Friday, April 2, 2010

Hi. Good Friday service was very nice, especially with Hat Christa directing the children's singing. One little girl in a hot pink sequined gown got so busy jiving to the music that she forgot to hold up her "L" for the word Gospel (she held it up the first two times, then lost her train of thought for the last two and the littler girl next to her was tugging at her to hold it up, to no avail, it was pretty funny). So, Gospel became Gospe, you gotta love it. Children make the world go round. You can just see a kid riding his bike down the sidewalk with nothing but a good time on his mind. I love the story of a local elderly woman here who would buy tickets for a class of less privileged school children to attend a classical music concert. The students were probably first graders. The picture in the newspaper should have won an award, it was hysterical. Little boys slumped down in their seats asleep. Little girls dressed to the hilt in various stages of fidgetry (word ?). One student mesmerized. The elderly woman said she had no use for socializing with adults, adults are absurd and children are WAY more interesting.

Glad they ran that story when they did, with the lady in her fancy hat and all. She died maybe a year later, last year I believe. Fantastic story, though.

Then the pastor taught from the Gospel of John and drew all the parallels of Christ with the Old Testament sacrificial system. For instance, the cherubim at the ends of the Ark of the Covenant were repeated when Christ rose from the tomb and there were two angels, one at the place where Christ's head had lain and one at the feet. (Also, there were two angels guarding the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden). There were many fascinating connections, because Christ came to fulfill the Old Testament sacrificial system, which couldn't save but points to the Savior.

I learned too, that John is the only Gospel that doesn't mention Christ's Last Supper (Passover). Instead, John uses the story of the feeding of the 5,000 to show that Christ Himself is the Passover. It was nigh unto the time of the Passover when this miracle took place, and the people were coming to Christ at the Sea of Galilee, not going to Jerusalem for the Passover yet, they were drawn to the true Passover first. Christ is the Bread of Life who shed His own blood for our sins. Hallelujah!, we have passed from death unto life (pictured in Egypt when the blood was splashed on the door posts and the death angel passed over). Christ died once for all.

Okay, I have a new vacuum and I'm not so sure. The lady put my partially used hepa filter from the old vac into the new one, because hepa filters are 'spensive and mine still had some mileage. So when I plug it in at home, what do I smell, but the burned up motor smell from the old vac. You know, the lady even pointed out the black soot under the dust cover of the old vac, so why did she reuse the hepa? I've replaced the hepa with the lesser non-hepa filter for the time being. Tomorrow I go back, not real happy to have burned smell and black residue in my new vac. Not happy at all. Stay tuned . . . I told Mike, Nothin's easy. He said, You've got that right.

But focusing on Christ's great sacrifice surely makes the woes of this world shrink to proper size. It should anyhow :)


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