Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The complete futility of...stuff.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Did laundry all day. 'Cause you can't pack dirty clothes. And you know what? I liked it. Monday Laundry. I like focusing on one thing and actually having something to show for it at the end of the day. Maybe that's what our Foremothers had in mind. After my vacation I'm going to try this again. Because spreading things out all week long, like cleaning one room a day, I don't have the discipline for that. Tuesday Cleaning.

Now, I need to lose 10 pounds by Saturday for CDW'S daughter's wedding. Probably 12 after the Alfredo Shrimp I woofed down at Casual Clam tonight. Quick! Someone please suction out all those chocolate malts I've been draining as of late! Every once in a while I go on a food prep strike and we eat out a lot, all in a row. Eating out is making America fat, I am living proof. Plus, my friend suggests my migraines are from MSG. This could be, I don't know what restaurant ingredients are, but I can guess. At any rate, I had to unbutton and unzip my jeans before the Alfredo even got to the table.

Drenching rain tonight, thank you, Lord! At Casual Clam, which Mike and I drive by 10 times a day, it's right near our house, well, neither of us could think of the name of it just now, how sad is that, when we just ate there. Where was I? Yes, we ate on the patio and there was a full rainbow right in front of my face, brilliant colors at both ends. Nothing like the exquisite arch of a rainbow, it arched right over Sweetbay grocery store, like a blessing, right across the street from Casual Clam. Casual Clam is no small taters, it was written up in Southern Living as one of the iconic places to eat in St. Petersburg. Ted Peters was another. My sister and her kids love Ted Peters, famous for smoked fish and fish spread. They order hamburgers. There was a third place in the Southern Living article, which I can't think of. Now that will drive me crazy.

When you come and visit me in St. Petersburg, I will take you to Casual Clam and Ted Peters and the third place, too.

The shorter the sweeter.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wicked whiskers! The Rays blew it and are no longer #1. After 57 glorious days. I think that from here on out they should continue to win games successively, until my blog is over. Which would be about 68 more days. That should do it.

Okay, rotten headache. Is it, you know, a female thing? Or a barometric pressure thing? Or the incredible combo of foods I managed yesterday?

Happy Father's Day. Mike is a really good father. And he had a really good father. See how that works? I appreciate my dad, too. At church today he said, I opened my present and I was really surprised. I mean, he could tell it was going to be a book and he fully expected a book on golf. Ha, ha. He hasn't read it yet, but he will. Precious little DEWEY.

This is all I'm good for, thanks for hanging with me.

A bowl of oatmeal is sounding like a sensible thing, but bed would be even more sensible.

Summery KEM


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