Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So I shook the jar of coins in Robby's face when he jumped on the kitchen counter, like the vet tech said to do. Robby simply looked at me like I'd lost my mind. HELP!!! If he walks across a glass top stove when it's hot, the spin in the dryer will look like kitten's play. Boy, I've got my work cut out for me. I guess I will be forced to keep a water spray bottle handy. Don't like it, but there is a larger issue at stake.

The Rays are going down the tubes. Somebody do something!

I'm driving to Greenville this weekend. The inn I picked out to stay in half way, it's all booked up (the inn only has 4 rooms). This is because there is a jazz festival going on. In fact, Best Western is booked solid, too. You have to realize, I'm traveling the back roads through all the tiny towns and the options for lodging are rather limited. Leave it to me to pick a weekend when things are jumping. Rats.


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