Saturday, June 12, 2010

Everyone who wants a good laugh needs to watch the old movie, You Can't Take It With You, starring Jean Arthur, Jimmy Stewart, Lionel Barrymore and a host of hysterically funny actors. Mike and I laughed out loud throughout. Boy, they sure don't make movies like they used to, and I mean that.

Well, so I only paid $24 to see that DVD, courtesy of NetFlix. I will have to cancel my membership because we can't seem to sit down and watch a movie, I think it took us 10 weeks to watch You Can't Take It With You. Well, you know what I mean, it was not a bargain, not the way we're exercising our membership. It's been sitting in the spittoon Mike gave me for Christmas, on the kitchen counter, lo, these many months.

Okay, I'm wondering when I am going to give up blogetting and get back to blogging. When the spirit moves, I guess. Last night I was stuffed to the gills with Evos steakburger, large fries ('cause the fries were in the oven and not ready and I had to wait forever and a day, fast food, you know, so they offered to upsize as a peace offering) and a chocolate milkshake and a chocolate chip cookie, big. So when I tried to go to sleep, I was so full I couldn't catch a deep breath. This sent me into a mini-panic and then I had disturbing visions of starting a sinus infection. All this meant that I couldn't sleep and so, to take my mind off the panic, I unearthed my foot sander and learned how to work that. I bought it a couple years ago when I took my MIL to buy a smoking jacket. It was drastically on sale, for like 5 bucks. A foot model (something I never have to worry about being) was bragging on the package how she gets pedicures every month but uses this gadget in-between and really depended on it to keep her feet smooth as silk and photo ready. Well, I stuffed it in a drawer at home because reading the directions seemed like a bummer. But last night was the night and I sanded away. For once I didn't overdo it, I erred on the side of brevity. Figured I had enough problemas without skinning my feet to the bone.

At the end you massage some exotic cream into your feet, with ginger in it, or something.

So, finally, my stomach eased away from my lungs and I fell asleep, at 5:45 AM, when Mike and Jazzi started their day. Yep, I'm hopeless.

Carlos Pena, my favorite Rays player, just hit his 7th homerun in 6 consecutive games, a club record. This is so neat because he had been in a total slump. Everyone loves Carlos! He got a curtain call when he hit a grand slam the other night. Mike is surprised that I know baseball statistics so well now, better than Mike himself.

Homely footed KEM, but at least SMOOTH homely footed

P.S. I noticed that I cannot spell exercise to save my life. I also cannot make myself exercise to save my life. There must be some sort of correlation going on here. P.P.S. I was informed that a man who suffered from regular sinus infections found a cure in the form of drinking a glass of water with a tablespoon or two of Paul Bragg's apple cider vinegar stirred in. Morning and night he does this. Vinegar makes me scrape my teeth together, which is better than recurrent sinus infections.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fabulous tip everyone should know, and probably does know, except I didn't. When trimming finger- and toenails, the nails should be wet.

So I tried it, and it's true, you cut a much better and smoother cut. The back of the TRIM nail clippers package said wet nails don't crack and break as easily. How I've survived on the earth this long without knowing about wet nails is beyond me.

One week ago I was wondering how the wedding music would go. One week after the wedding later, I am wiped out. Some people around here think it has to do with not falling asleep until 6 and 5 AM the last two nights.

Got spots on my arms that have cropped up, so need to see the dermatologist. Growing up in FL without sunscreen is what we did best. It happened like this, my arm was itching one night in bed about 3 weeks ago. Then there was a tiny little white bump. Mike diagnosed it as ant bite. But another spot came up. And guess what? The spots sorta sting when I chew. My food. At first I thought they hurt just because I ate. But drinking my smoothie doesn't make them hurt, I don't think. So, some nerve must activate when I chew and run right down my arm to those spots. That's my diagnosis and I'm stickin' to it!

Rays are losing their grip,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Just watched the music video of Martina McBride singing Concrete Angel.

"Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal of yourself to nothing."

~ Michael LeBoef

Well, I can sorta see that, but it's hard to define because so many things in life require attention. Especially women can be spread so thin. But I'd have to agree that the "greats" in the world truly devote themselves to their labor or art or mission or whatever it is they do. There is an exclusivity factor, and good for them that they can do that. Their soul must crowd out all extraneous matters so the pinnacle of achievement can be attained. In other words, they were born to do it.

But narrowing our fields of interest probably will get more results than we might have dared. Worth a try.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Isn't elegant posture the greatest?

Okay, after much ado and brain perspiration, I found the missing quote. I found it by scrolling down my list of Facebook friends and then I saw a person who was a likely candidate, the gal who has the Save Money Now blog, except it's really called The Ways of Her Household, or something similar to that. Yes, I thought, she might be the one. Thankfully, she was.

"Concentrate first on doing the right things, then on doing things right. There is nothing so wasteful as doing the wrong things well." ~Peter Drucker

Doesn't that just sound like the answer to life? Tomorrow I'll have a follow-up quote. Also Debra Lyn Dadd, the Green Lady, has a website and she references quotes, too. One she posts frequently says something about how you can't make a path in the woods by walking through one time. You have to walk over the same underbrush time after time until a real path is carved. In the same way, these good thoughts and quotes and Bible verses won't make a permanent path in our minds unless we repeat them multiple times, until they become ingrained in our way of thinking. That is how we revolutionize ourselves, God helping us.

So, I need to go buy my beach chair and go down by the bay and meditate on these excellent principles every morning. Because so far, they are rolling around upstairs but haven't quite taken root. I need defined paths and not just a mass of spaghetti thoughts. Know what I'm saying?

Nice chatting with you,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Today I was messing around on email and Facebook and I came across a nifty quote. Before too long, I came across another swell quote that complemented the first quote. So, I'm going to give you the first quote, but I'm combing my brains trying to remember where I saw the second quote, because, of course, I didn't jot it down on the spot. So, Part II may come tomorrow...if my memory can cough it up.

"Real wisdom is not the knowledge of everything, but the knowledge of which things in life are necessary, which are less necessary, and which are completely unnecessary to know."

~Leo Tolstoy

Of course, this quote reminds me of the one I blogged about eons ago, The wisdom of life consists of the elimination of nonessentials. Worth repeating. Which as I tried to declutter the house somewhat today, and progress was that of a tortoise wading through molasses, I thought anew of paring it down. I got bold and threw out the party favor from the graduation party a week ago, a teensy bag of mints, I believe it was.

Okay, so I'll be up all night trying to think where I saw the fabulous quote. Dadgumit.

Cello and I are giving a home recital tomorrow for my 100 year old friend. I have to tell you, being around someone that refined and vibrant at that age, I feel like she should be wearing a crown and I should curtsy and present a costly gift.

I never told you, but Cello invited me to her parents' home for a Raw Foods Potluck after the wedding. But first I stopped in at another party where they served things like Weenies Swimming in Crisco. Just kidding. All the food was delicious, but I must say, there was CONTRAST in the offerings at the two parties. My favorite was raw zucchini (they spiral it into something resembling spaghetti) with "Alfredo" sauce, which was ground nuts and junk. Boy, it was creamy and delicious. Cello's mother is a genius, I've already decided that, she's the type who can do anything, quickly, easily and mistake-free, on the first try. When I went over there to practice with Cello, they whipped up lemon tea from their herb garden, no telling what all was in it, but it was delicious extraordinaire.

See, I've had a lot of fun lately, and after all the build up, boy, the letdown is pretty deflating. My next fun thing, after being with darling Miss Cello tomorrow, will be to go shopping for wedding gifts, three weddings to buy for, including the bride from Saturday. Fun!

KEM Does Better With Fun

Monday, June 7, 2010

Yellow roses, fish baked in a creamy sauce with toasted onions and a milkshake, a malt, can't salvage this day.

Generally speaking, there is always tomorrow.


Sunday, June 6, 2010


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