Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hello Blogees, Good-Bye Blogees, all cylinders have shut down. Robby took a nice nap curled up in the pewter napkin bowl that sits in the middle of the dining room table.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Upon closer examination, I do not think eating green pepper had anything to do with my finger pain. The finger got swollen and red and tight, it was like the side of the bone, the joint there, just blew up. I was hoping it wouldn't explode, because I knew a girl where that almost happened. If I had never known that girl, I would have been in an "ignorance is bliss" state. However, I was far from ignorant nor blissful going to bed. But I did pray. So, upon this closer examination, I think I had a bite, maybe an ant bite. Finger is on the mend, Thank you, God.

Robby has a new thing when I hold him in my cupped hand, sitting him up so he's looking straight away at me, his cute white tummy in full view, and fuss over him. He reaches up and gives me light little gentle paw pats on the cheek, and sometimes on the nose, which requires both paws. Have you gone out and gotten your kitten yet?

Because I am counting down one week to my birthday and have time constraints, I shall now let some wise people edify you.

One today is worth two tomorrows. ~ Benjamin Franklin

To a mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Chang Tsu

Ah, the power of the mind.

Your Semi-Devoted Blogger,

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life in the fast lane, that's what it is around here lately. I just read where some beautiful young actress sees herself living in an old farmhouse, sooner rather than later, solar powered, with a hammock and a vegetable patch. Sounds pretty good to me.

I just ate half a green pepper. And now my fingers feel tight and stiff as I type. Could there be a correlation? Wow, this feels weird, I need to sign off.

Signing Off,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Today was weird. Things were sour at the ranch, you don't want to hear about it. A store I drove across the bridge to shop for a specific dress, that store was closed early for a private party, can you beat that? I bought a couple of other things at the mall, in haste, and back they have to go, a chipped FW bowl and a rough wooden spoon (I was specifically trying to pick out a SUPER smooth wooden spoon that won't scratch non-stick pans).

HOWEVER, CDW will be happy to understand that KEM made eye contact with the young Israeli man selling his Dead Sea Salts at the kiosk as she was breezing by. And he was very persuasive but KEM said, NO, THANK YOU, I AM IN A HURRY. And she heard his last enticing line, something about the future, in a fade, as she whisked herself on down the mall corridor, having never really stopped. And not 30 seconds later she passed his way again, except on the other side of the kiosk (tricky), and this time she made not the slightest eye contact. Okay, well, maybe the slightest. Somehow, she is too curious to see what will happen, if these bold people can become even bolder, and if she will be sucked right in. It's some form of addiction or self-torture. And as she passed by she left a brain wave floating toward that young man that SHE will just be content with dry, thick-skinned and calloused hands. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Dead Sea.

Well, People. Surely your day was better than mine. At least I have a Robby and a Jazzi to put everything back into perspective. One night when I was ready to hop into bed, I couldn't find the Rob. I called and no answer. So, you figure, He'll show up in the morning. But I wasn't super comfortable not knowing his whereabouts. Then I realized the covers on my feet seemed a little heavy. I flipped back the bedspread and blanket, they were all bunched up anyway, and there he was, burrowed down deep, thoroughly encased. How did he breathe?

Another time my extra quilt, which I bunch up in the morning on one side of the bed to block the light, was pulsating as a whole. Robby was in the thick of it and kind of moving the mountain along inch by inch. I like to think he is original, but I'm sure many a kitten has the same type personality...a sugared nut. Ha, ha, I think I came up with that because the one redeeming part of my day was eating Roasted Beet Salad at Nordstrom's. It comes with spinach, roasted beets, but of course, goat cheese (oh, simply out of this world) AND candied pecans, which normally I don't care for, but these are not overly sweet, but just the right complement to this salad. In fact, I like it so much, I may repeat the whole scenario tomorrow night. Why not? Mike is in Las Vegas! And when I have returns, boy, I like to return them pronto! Returns weigh heavily on the KEM brain.

Until my birthday, we are looking at blogettas. That's all there is to it.

Say a prayer for my dear friend, Alicia. We were childhood friends and I adored her family, five girls and the mother was an angel. But this blessed mother is passing on into the presence of the Lord, any time now. Especially hard, maybe, when a family is unusually sweet, close, as this one was and is.

Your Sales Resistant Friend,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hi, everyone, Happy Birthday to Charann. Charann is a great lady, and I'm blessed to have her sweet friendship. I'm proud of myself because I remembered to send her a card this year. Normally, she sends me a card and I go, Oh, rats, I missed Char's bday...AGAIN. Too bad my birthday isn't 11 days before hers instead of 11 days after. I think I've told you this before. But that's okay, my migraine is bent on coming back and so I'm not good for much tonight.

But I will tell you that I had Bone Therapy today. I read where a cat's purr matches something about the vibrations in your bones and helps build bone. As usual, don't quote me on this. But something to that effect...I think.

So, Robby hops up on the bed this morning, crawls on my chest, tucks his paws under his own chest, as if in prep for a good long visit, and starts motoring away. We are nose to nose, mind you. He's da dearest, sweetest kitty in da whole wide world. I loved Bible study tonight but couldn't wait to get home to him. I have it bad.

One more thing. When I had Robby at the vets last Friday, I was standing in the cat waiting area. There is a partition about up to your rib cage. I was standing behind the partition facing the reception area, holding Robby up above the partition so all the secretaries could admire him. And all the other pets and owners. This insane dog was waiting to be boarded. He was a cattle dog. And he was going completely ape, wouldn't stop fretting and whining and jerking around. I'm not kidding you. All the receptionists, about 6 or 8 or them, it's a big operation, were cracking up because Robby was calm as a cuke, couldn't take his eyes off this mad dog having an anxiety attack, poor thing. Then this other lady turned around from the counter and started walking toward me and Robby. She kept coming and didn't stop until the partition stopped her, so we were mere inches apart, only some molding separating us, she was in my face. Then she did a double take and said, Oh, I thought you and your cat were a statue. I guess like a cardboard cut out, I'm not sure what she meant. It was kind of funny and disarming at the same time. What do I look like these days, a wax figure? Probably.

Say Good-Bye to Headaches!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Violently ill migraine, cannot look at bright computer screen. So time for a good old quote I came across today as I was churning my piles into files.

The greatest truths are the simplest, and so are the greatest men.

Julius Charles Hare said that.

I found this in an article where the basic gist was women should try being more simple about things, life, like men are. But I especially liked the first part of the quote.

Until we meet again,

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Since I feel a little shabby tonight, I will do a repeat, I think I've posted this before. Ha, ha, Robby keeps sitting on my reading material, newspaper, etc. He's a dear little doll. Mike says I shouldn't call him a doll since he's a boy. But he's a baby boy. Tonight I was cleaning some bedroom closet shelves (not fun). I put Robby on the bed so the vacuum cleaner wouldn't scare him. He stayed there for a while but then when I checked, he was gone. I don't worry too much where he is any more.

So, then I was moving my big ladder to another spot in the closet (this is BIG closet, like a room, it could be a nursery) and had to stoop to move shoes and stuff out of the way. Much to my surprise, I saw some black fur way down yonder under the hanging clothes, back against the wall. Robby had curled up in the paper that fell off a hangar, you know, from the cleaners. Somehow it was opened and he was tucked in the middle of it. Surprising for sure, I didn't think he would want to be in the same small room as the vacuum, but he is getting braver and bolder, along with getting bigger.

This morning he came and curled up by my pillow and rested his wittle chin on the corner of the pillow. Now he's perched on the keyboard tray, on the very edge with one leg dangling overboard. He got up by way of the chair, not his original method.

Wm. Arthur Ward says:

Our words reveal our thoughts
Our manners mirror our self-esteem
Our actions reflect our character
Our habits predict the future

That's it, Folks,


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