Robby is now twice as big as when I got him. He is not jumping up onto the shelf beneath the desk and then hopping onto the computer box and from there onto the sliding keyboard tray anymore, I don't get to see his adorable little face peering out next to the keyboard. It must be because he's too big now and knows it. It breaks my heart. I tap on the sliding tray, Come on, Robby, but he doesn't. 'Cause he can't fit. Wow, that used to be his favorite thing, it was like he was training for the Olympics, he could do it so fast and then faster.
If this is the way it's going to be, I wish he quit squeezing into the hole down by the dishwasher. He naps under the counter, I don't like it. But he's a sweet boy and comes out when I go calling around the house, Robby?, WHERE ARE YOU?
He's tired today from his vaccination yesterday. Boy, that was tough, watching a needle go in his arm and hearing the pitiful "Meow!"
Last night at dinner I told Mike that I could now make him any label he wanted. He said, That is such a comfort. Boy, I sure get a lot of encouragement around here. But I can work my label maker and I've been working it. In fact, I worked all day labeling file jackets and inserting the appropriate papers. It was fun and I think I'm on to something. This is the trick I needed. It's a lot easier than I thought and the finished product is slick and gorgeous, if I don't say so myself. These lovely new colorful jackets, professionally labeled BY KEM. And all papers neatly tucked inside. It will be ongoing, but I made a dent today, want to clear off the desks and counters. We'll tackle the bags, boxes and drawers later, like when my MIL is here for 10 weeks. But it goes pretty fast and there is no feeling like getting control over paper. I probably need to winnow as I go, especially recipes. But I have file jackets for unsorted coupons, clipped coupons, sinus woes, Savory Letters, Blog Jogs, AOL Reader Beauty Tips, and more.
TOO POOPER to proofread this entry. SORRY.
I also typed up interesting tidbits, that I'd scribbled here and there and everywhere. When we get the printer hooked up (old one got broken), I will print and, Baby, FILE AWAY. Interesting things like I read on Facebook, someone was asking where to vacation and Lake Michigan came up and this beautiful Apostle's Island or something. Well, can't let that spectacular info slip through my fingers. And books I should read, and so on and so on. My Senators phone numbers, a permanent vacation packing list, and so on and so on. Hair color Consumer Reports said to use, you know? The name of a small house architect, his specialty, that I read about in a comment on AOL while reading the stuff, can't pass that up, I want an exquisitely designed small house some day, designed by an authority on the subject. VALUABLE INFO I kind of stumble on and don't want to have to search for it some day and come up short. Baked Zita I Googled and was especially good and simple, although my notes come up a little short. Still. Oh, and the tablecloth from 10,000 Villages Shop in Montreat, the lady called and they have some more in, if I want it, which I do, it's so bright and cheerful. I didn't buy it on the spot and then it was gone, you now how that goes. I like to buy there because it supports women in third world countries. These women learn crafts and trades in order to support their families. I love to support such a meaningful, life-giving effort. Well, I needed that tablecloth skew number on record. And the idea to dilute woodwork paint with 1/4 cup water, I think to a gallon of paint, ha, that would be good to know, but it lets the paint glide on effortlessly and try more smoothly. And great paint color lists I come across. And of course, the names of the people how have home fellowship, The Way. All these items are fairly essential. Not ESSENTIAL essential, but they are my reward for getting organized, nice.
Whew, I've have GOT to go. Have a blessed Sunday. Love you all! KEM
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Eh (munch, munch), what's up, Doc?
Nuttin', Wabbit!
KEM Alias Bugs Bunny
P.S. The other night I read in Proverbs that overlooking an offense is a virtue. Another translation says it's our glory to pass over a transgression.
That sheds a whole new light on the subject, wouldn't you say? Except the new light has been mine for the taking for a very long time. The Scriptures say the Word is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Not only that, it makes the world dim in comparison. Such treasure to use, not neglect. And no worries about exhausting it or wearing it out, either.
Nuttin', Wabbit!
KEM Alias Bugs Bunny
P.S. The other night I read in Proverbs that overlooking an offense is a virtue. Another translation says it's our glory to pass over a transgression.
That sheds a whole new light on the subject, wouldn't you say? Except the new light has been mine for the taking for a very long time. The Scriptures say the Word is powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword. Not only that, it makes the world dim in comparison. Such treasure to use, not neglect. And no worries about exhausting it or wearing it out, either.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Today at the vets (I live there now), Jazzi was diagnosed with Inverted Sneeze. That's what the "cough" is, Jazzi beats all, poor thing.
The vet and her tech were great, we had fun comparing notes about pets. The tech has 6 cats (recently I talked to someone who had 10 cats, but it slips me who). Robby goes in tomorrow for a round of shots. The vet had actually called several times wanting to know how Robby was doing after being so sick. So, we talked about Robby and I described his personality, Mr. Wild Man. The tech said it's the trait of the black and white cats, the Tuxedo cat, to have tons of energy, inquisitiveness, affection and your basic naughtiness. Her Tuxedo is the only one of her six cats that she hasn't been able to train to stay off the kitchen counter. If she nudges him, he nudges her right back. Robby shredded the edges of the napkins in the bowl on the table today. It's like messy kids, they can do a lot of damage in the proverbial split second.
Also, the tech's cat shows his love by touching her face lightly with his paw every morning (while she's sitting on the pot, no less). He loves people and visitors to the house. The vet, on the other hand, once had a cat she herself never even saw. That cat must have been born depressed, poor thing, he just hid all the time. I had a cat once that was very talented at disappearing acts. He'd be gone for days, and I always worried he had escaped out of the house. And then, he'd silently appear, like a rabbit out of a hat. Weird. Never figured out where he hid, we lived in an old bungalow, maybe there was a secret compartment somewhere up in a closet.
So, leave it to old KEM to choose a kitty that's genetically disposed to wildness. I was also surprised to learn that black and white kittens are usually the last to go from stray organizations. Sometimes they even hold a Black Kitten Sale. Really! How insulting. The reason is because black kitties are in abundance. Orange kitties and kitties with blue or green eyes go first, I think they said. Well, this is why God makes variety. Different kitties appeal to different people. I'm happy to report that I couldn't be happier with Robby. There was a cute poster of a kitty at the vets, it had a gray and white fluffy face, very attractive features, adorable. I think I would like a little gray and white brother or sister for Robby. Maybe.
I'm looking forward to taking Robby to the vet, to show him off again, everyone was so taken with him last time. Wonder how much he will weigh, he has a marvelous appetite.
Robby loves to scratch his way up the side of my mattress. Wonder when he will be big enough to just hop on up there in one bold leap. Meanwhile, I hope my sheets survive. It's a good thing I'm mellowing with age. I figure at my age, who cares about keeping stuff THAT nice. I mean, really, it'll last the rest of my life, I'm sure.
Forgot to mention this very nice man last night. I had picked up a case of water bottles at Staples while I was buying chubby accordion file jackets, yes, I succumbed. I realized that my stray recipes alone would never fit in the flat jackets, nor would coupons or a million other things. No virtue in not admitting one's mistakes. Well, I parked my cart in front of my car and this nice man asked, Do you need help with the water? So he loaded it in my car. I just wanted to say that as a tribute to him and gentlemen everywhere. THANK YOU! You may never read this, but just the same, there are women out there who notice and appreciate your chivalry. Good manners are like a gentle breeze wafting out of nowhere, these days anyway. They certainly don't seem to be the norm in society at large.
Right now, I may go use my Label Maker. I have these self-laminating luggage tags in my kitchen junk drawer. See, I saw some self-laminating labels in Target recently. The name itself, S-LLs, really captivated me. But I didn't get them, because they rang a distant bell. Maybe I subconsciously knew I had a similar thing at home, which, of course, I did. So, I am going to make little water proof (I hope) signs for my entry doors, Don't let the little black cat out, PLEASE! I'm kinda worried about it, he is curious. When I take Jazzi out back to do her thing, Robby is peering through the French door, every time. I will offer lots of prayers on this subject. If Robby got out he would be the type to tear all over the neighborhood. How would I ever find him? On walks I have seen desperate homeowners motoring about asking anyone and everyone if they've seen their missing pet. It's really NOT A GOOD FEELING.
Speaking of finding a pet, I HAVE to tell you my niece's lost hamster story. But all real stories may have to wait until after the Big One, as I am going to be pressed for time, starting now. Time for a season of Blogettes.
Well, I'm getting excited about the Big One coming up. I thought I would dread turning such a distinguished age, but my sister is going to make it fun for me. I think it will be the best birthday of my whole life. It already is. Meanwhile, my hair needs HELP! All of a sudden, it's a big ZERO. As one hairdresser put it years ago, when my hair refused to do what it used to do, which was curl naturally, Your hair is more experienced now (experience in what, pray tell?). And that was a good 10 years ago. I guess now she would say, Your hair is soon set to expire.
That highlight stuff my hairdresser talked me into, hogwash, I knew I wouldn't like it, and I don't. I must listen to my inner self from now on. It's just NOT ME. Nothing like inauthenticity (word?) to make you feel ridiculous. Plus it dried my hair like an old bone. Going platinum is not my thing. Can't someone do me over, someone who really "GETS" it?? Well, I'm probably asking for too much. I adore my hairdresser, she is darling, I will just rehearse with her one more time what the end result must be.
Time for hot chocolate, since the BCP is finally gone, thank goodness. Oh yeah, I could put whipping cream in the milk for hot chocolate. Then it's beddy-bye. Staying up until 5, 5:30 AM is taking tolls of every sort.
Dreamin' Sweet KEM
The vet and her tech were great, we had fun comparing notes about pets. The tech has 6 cats (recently I talked to someone who had 10 cats, but it slips me who). Robby goes in tomorrow for a round of shots. The vet had actually called several times wanting to know how Robby was doing after being so sick. So, we talked about Robby and I described his personality, Mr. Wild Man. The tech said it's the trait of the black and white cats, the Tuxedo cat, to have tons of energy, inquisitiveness, affection and your basic naughtiness. Her Tuxedo is the only one of her six cats that she hasn't been able to train to stay off the kitchen counter. If she nudges him, he nudges her right back. Robby shredded the edges of the napkins in the bowl on the table today. It's like messy kids, they can do a lot of damage in the proverbial split second.
Also, the tech's cat shows his love by touching her face lightly with his paw every morning (while she's sitting on the pot, no less). He loves people and visitors to the house. The vet, on the other hand, once had a cat she herself never even saw. That cat must have been born depressed, poor thing, he just hid all the time. I had a cat once that was very talented at disappearing acts. He'd be gone for days, and I always worried he had escaped out of the house. And then, he'd silently appear, like a rabbit out of a hat. Weird. Never figured out where he hid, we lived in an old bungalow, maybe there was a secret compartment somewhere up in a closet.
So, leave it to old KEM to choose a kitty that's genetically disposed to wildness. I was also surprised to learn that black and white kittens are usually the last to go from stray organizations. Sometimes they even hold a Black Kitten Sale. Really! How insulting. The reason is because black kitties are in abundance. Orange kitties and kitties with blue or green eyes go first, I think they said. Well, this is why God makes variety. Different kitties appeal to different people. I'm happy to report that I couldn't be happier with Robby. There was a cute poster of a kitty at the vets, it had a gray and white fluffy face, very attractive features, adorable. I think I would like a little gray and white brother or sister for Robby. Maybe.
I'm looking forward to taking Robby to the vet, to show him off again, everyone was so taken with him last time. Wonder how much he will weigh, he has a marvelous appetite.
Robby loves to scratch his way up the side of my mattress. Wonder when he will be big enough to just hop on up there in one bold leap. Meanwhile, I hope my sheets survive. It's a good thing I'm mellowing with age. I figure at my age, who cares about keeping stuff THAT nice. I mean, really, it'll last the rest of my life, I'm sure.
Forgot to mention this very nice man last night. I had picked up a case of water bottles at Staples while I was buying chubby accordion file jackets, yes, I succumbed. I realized that my stray recipes alone would never fit in the flat jackets, nor would coupons or a million other things. No virtue in not admitting one's mistakes. Well, I parked my cart in front of my car and this nice man asked, Do you need help with the water? So he loaded it in my car. I just wanted to say that as a tribute to him and gentlemen everywhere. THANK YOU! You may never read this, but just the same, there are women out there who notice and appreciate your chivalry. Good manners are like a gentle breeze wafting out of nowhere, these days anyway. They certainly don't seem to be the norm in society at large.
Right now, I may go use my Label Maker. I have these self-laminating luggage tags in my kitchen junk drawer. See, I saw some self-laminating labels in Target recently. The name itself, S-LLs, really captivated me. But I didn't get them, because they rang a distant bell. Maybe I subconsciously knew I had a similar thing at home, which, of course, I did. So, I am going to make little water proof (I hope) signs for my entry doors, Don't let the little black cat out, PLEASE! I'm kinda worried about it, he is curious. When I take Jazzi out back to do her thing, Robby is peering through the French door, every time. I will offer lots of prayers on this subject. If Robby got out he would be the type to tear all over the neighborhood. How would I ever find him? On walks I have seen desperate homeowners motoring about asking anyone and everyone if they've seen their missing pet. It's really NOT A GOOD FEELING.
Speaking of finding a pet, I HAVE to tell you my niece's lost hamster story. But all real stories may have to wait until after the Big One, as I am going to be pressed for time, starting now. Time for a season of Blogettes.
Well, I'm getting excited about the Big One coming up. I thought I would dread turning such a distinguished age, but my sister is going to make it fun for me. I think it will be the best birthday of my whole life. It already is. Meanwhile, my hair needs HELP! All of a sudden, it's a big ZERO. As one hairdresser put it years ago, when my hair refused to do what it used to do, which was curl naturally, Your hair is more experienced now (experience in what, pray tell?). And that was a good 10 years ago. I guess now she would say, Your hair is soon set to expire.
That highlight stuff my hairdresser talked me into, hogwash, I knew I wouldn't like it, and I don't. I must listen to my inner self from now on. It's just NOT ME. Nothing like inauthenticity (word?) to make you feel ridiculous. Plus it dried my hair like an old bone. Going platinum is not my thing. Can't someone do me over, someone who really "GETS" it?? Well, I'm probably asking for too much. I adore my hairdresser, she is darling, I will just rehearse with her one more time what the end result must be.
Time for hot chocolate, since the BCP is finally gone, thank goodness. Oh yeah, I could put whipping cream in the milk for hot chocolate. Then it's beddy-bye. Staying up until 5, 5:30 AM is taking tolls of every sort.
Dreamin' Sweet KEM
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Good gravy, I almost forgot to blog today.
Two quick Robby quips and that's all I'm good for.
Sitting at the computer in the kitchen, I suddenly heard an unusual clamoring coming from the far end of the living room, but quickly moving in my direction. Robby had jumped up on the shelf in the living room where I had set his muskrat fishing pole. He had grabbed the muskrat in his mouth and then charged off the shelf with, of course, the line and pole following behind him. He made a dive for his wretched little hole on the floor next to the dishwasher. What is he, a mouse?
Mike came home really late from a business dinner. He sat down on the dining chair sideways, and Robby, who is naughtily jumping on the table and regularly being deported to the bathroom during meals, jumped up on the table and then somersaulted down all over Mike. His landing position was comical, of course. Mike had his ankles crossed, and Robby's little head parked right at the cross, that's all you could see, the rest of him being hidden by Mike's feet. So, I'm looking at Mike and see this tiny kitten face, and that's all, wedged between his ankles, staring out at me.
I'm actually going to be ending my post here and now. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, it's 2:59, I almost didn't make post.
Two quick Robby quips and that's all I'm good for.
Sitting at the computer in the kitchen, I suddenly heard an unusual clamoring coming from the far end of the living room, but quickly moving in my direction. Robby had jumped up on the shelf in the living room where I had set his muskrat fishing pole. He had grabbed the muskrat in his mouth and then charged off the shelf with, of course, the line and pole following behind him. He made a dive for his wretched little hole on the floor next to the dishwasher. What is he, a mouse?
Mike came home really late from a business dinner. He sat down on the dining chair sideways, and Robby, who is naughtily jumping on the table and regularly being deported to the bathroom during meals, jumped up on the table and then somersaulted down all over Mike. His landing position was comical, of course. Mike had his ankles crossed, and Robby's little head parked right at the cross, that's all you could see, the rest of him being hidden by Mike's feet. So, I'm looking at Mike and see this tiny kitten face, and that's all, wedged between his ankles, staring out at me.
I'm actually going to be ending my post here and now. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, it's 2:59, I almost didn't make post.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Let's try a nutshell blog.
Love making labels. Especially after I figured out how to peel the back off, which at first seemed frustratingly impossible. Really, it is so good I'm not a scientist or inventor. Making labels with my new funky little machine is ultra inspiring. Whatever it takes, right? Those labels stuck neatly on my file jackets, it looks so professional. I've made two so far. Robby. Jazzi. Mike's one and only comment was, Jazzi's paperwork will never fit in that. I knew I should have bought chubby accordion style file jackets that hold 200 pages each, but the whole idea is to sift through the paperwork and only keep the barest essentials. Therefore, I bought file jackets so flat they might accommodate two sheets of paper...or an ultra flat pancake...a crepe. WHATEVER.
The termite man was late. Which made me late to Bible study. In fact, it made me so late I never got there. Once the termite man set me back, I decided I would play hookey on the first hour of study (because I would be late anyway), which is discussion on those fill-in-the-blank workbook pages. I was going to detour to Tuesday Morning and buy Peacock Alley placemats, a real bargain, I saw them yesterday. And then I would sneak into Bible study when the group was taking a break before the movie. They would never notice me.
But then I found myself cruising by a house DTD wants to look at to buy...maybe. Then when I got to Tuesday Morning, hello, it was closed 20 minutes ago. So that propelled me over to Marshall's, where I got Mike an $80 Ralph Lauren shirt for $20. From there, why not check out Bed, Bath, Beyond. Let's face it, the life of my kitty depends on us buying a lidded kitchen trash can. So, that happened, with a few more things tossed in, all in the name of becoming organized and efficient.
Somewhere between Marshall's and B, B, B, I decided I really wasn't feeling too well and my eye was hurting. It started hurting after my hot compress, right before the termite man finally showed. This is really why I never made it to Bible study. You know I wasn't feeling well to miss the movie.
Then I came home and watched Robby do acrobatics over, under, through, around and in-between the wheatback dining chair. Quite the tumbler. Incredible. Actually, Robby had sort of a day of rest today, he took long naps while it was raining outside. Robby has the right idea. I wanted naps, too, but was too busy labeling. Which, as stated above, produced two labels. And nothing in the jackets yet. But all this changes tomorrow, God willing. Today I was just happy to finally get the label maker out of it's skin tight heavy duty plastic display cover, which is sealed so tightly along the edges it's pathetic. This entailed wrestling with heavy duty kitchen shears and cutting my finger on the sharp jagged plastic. Just try to make a smooth cut, you know how it is, companies do not want you to have access to the product you just bought. Then you have to find batteries. Then you have to read the instruction booklet. Then you have to program it. Then you have to do a trial label. And by then you are too exhausted to make more than two labels.
Robby had to sit in the bathroom while I ate my 4th piece of BCP. At least two of these pieces were sans whipped cream, this, I suppose, is why I'm not terminated yet. Robby got to lick just a speck of whipped cream off the beaters. That kept him happy in the bathroom.
THEN, I sat down to check my email and AOL detained me, as usual. I became captivated by an article about this couple who reduced their possessions to 100 items. There is a movement, you know. People are starting to live in tiny 849 sq. ft. houses. Houses on Wheels, too. I think I should suggest this to DTD, she could park one in the back yard. The killer, though, is the lady of the spartan couple. She has a blog about simple living (which I think is #1 on New York Times blogs, or something). Guess what her blog is called?
Crazy, huh? And I don't even think she has kittens. She wanted a nifty, catchy blog name and when she asked for ideas from her co-workers, one shouted, ROWDY! And another screamed, KITTENS! And thus ROWDYKITTENS.COM was born. You need to check it out if you are sick to death of all your Stuff 'N Junk.
Well, I'm worried about Robby, who sometimes wakes up from a snooze and coughs and heaves and gags and chokes. Not just for a second but for a while. Is this, Kitty Experts, a natural bodily function to loosen, and, eventually, spit up, a hairball? I need to go watch my kitty DVD they gave me at the adoption.
Robby just catapulted himself into the old empty trash can. Now, can he get his wittle self out? Yes, he can. He can do lots of things, like tip over my water bottle on the dining table. Now he's dipping his paw into the fruit bowl perched on a ledge room divider thingy, which he reaches from this here computer desk. He gets his second wind about 3 AM, much to Mike's chagrin. You hear little paws padding around the room, but not on a genteel stroll, oh, no. He gallops hither and yon like a mad horse. Still, there is a distinct kitten pad sound on the hardwood floor, just at warp speed. Then he claws his way up the mattress and that's where the real fun begins.
While Robby was playing in his Pillow Tunnel tonight and crouched to spring forth and pull a surprise pounce on Mike, Mike said, What a silly cat. I have a friend who calls me Kat. Maybe even Silly Kat. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?
Robby is poised to jump in the toilet. I know it will happen one day. When I do my Quickie Clean every night, he has learned to come in and sit by the back of the toilet bowl, ready and waiting to seize that perfect moment, when he catches me unawares as I lift the toilet seat. He knows the drill. But he cannot outsmart me on this one. I am more ready and waiting than he is. Still, it's going to happen, just not on my watch.
Label Me KEM
Love making labels. Especially after I figured out how to peel the back off, which at first seemed frustratingly impossible. Really, it is so good I'm not a scientist or inventor. Making labels with my new funky little machine is ultra inspiring. Whatever it takes, right? Those labels stuck neatly on my file jackets, it looks so professional. I've made two so far. Robby. Jazzi. Mike's one and only comment was, Jazzi's paperwork will never fit in that. I knew I should have bought chubby accordion style file jackets that hold 200 pages each, but the whole idea is to sift through the paperwork and only keep the barest essentials. Therefore, I bought file jackets so flat they might accommodate two sheets of paper...or an ultra flat pancake...a crepe. WHATEVER.
The termite man was late. Which made me late to Bible study. In fact, it made me so late I never got there. Once the termite man set me back, I decided I would play hookey on the first hour of study (because I would be late anyway), which is discussion on those fill-in-the-blank workbook pages. I was going to detour to Tuesday Morning and buy Peacock Alley placemats, a real bargain, I saw them yesterday. And then I would sneak into Bible study when the group was taking a break before the movie. They would never notice me.
But then I found myself cruising by a house DTD wants to look at to buy...maybe. Then when I got to Tuesday Morning, hello, it was closed 20 minutes ago. So that propelled me over to Marshall's, where I got Mike an $80 Ralph Lauren shirt for $20. From there, why not check out Bed, Bath, Beyond. Let's face it, the life of my kitty depends on us buying a lidded kitchen trash can. So, that happened, with a few more things tossed in, all in the name of becoming organized and efficient.
Somewhere between Marshall's and B, B, B, I decided I really wasn't feeling too well and my eye was hurting. It started hurting after my hot compress, right before the termite man finally showed. This is really why I never made it to Bible study. You know I wasn't feeling well to miss the movie.
Then I came home and watched Robby do acrobatics over, under, through, around and in-between the wheatback dining chair. Quite the tumbler. Incredible. Actually, Robby had sort of a day of rest today, he took long naps while it was raining outside. Robby has the right idea. I wanted naps, too, but was too busy labeling. Which, as stated above, produced two labels. And nothing in the jackets yet. But all this changes tomorrow, God willing. Today I was just happy to finally get the label maker out of it's skin tight heavy duty plastic display cover, which is sealed so tightly along the edges it's pathetic. This entailed wrestling with heavy duty kitchen shears and cutting my finger on the sharp jagged plastic. Just try to make a smooth cut, you know how it is, companies do not want you to have access to the product you just bought. Then you have to find batteries. Then you have to read the instruction booklet. Then you have to program it. Then you have to do a trial label. And by then you are too exhausted to make more than two labels.
Robby had to sit in the bathroom while I ate my 4th piece of BCP. At least two of these pieces were sans whipped cream, this, I suppose, is why I'm not terminated yet. Robby got to lick just a speck of whipped cream off the beaters. That kept him happy in the bathroom.
THEN, I sat down to check my email and AOL detained me, as usual. I became captivated by an article about this couple who reduced their possessions to 100 items. There is a movement, you know. People are starting to live in tiny 849 sq. ft. houses. Houses on Wheels, too. I think I should suggest this to DTD, she could park one in the back yard. The killer, though, is the lady of the spartan couple. She has a blog about simple living (which I think is #1 on New York Times blogs, or something). Guess what her blog is called?
Crazy, huh? And I don't even think she has kittens. She wanted a nifty, catchy blog name and when she asked for ideas from her co-workers, one shouted, ROWDY! And another screamed, KITTENS! And thus ROWDYKITTENS.COM was born. You need to check it out if you are sick to death of all your Stuff 'N Junk.
Well, I'm worried about Robby, who sometimes wakes up from a snooze and coughs and heaves and gags and chokes. Not just for a second but for a while. Is this, Kitty Experts, a natural bodily function to loosen, and, eventually, spit up, a hairball? I need to go watch my kitty DVD they gave me at the adoption.
Robby just catapulted himself into the old empty trash can. Now, can he get his wittle self out? Yes, he can. He can do lots of things, like tip over my water bottle on the dining table. Now he's dipping his paw into the fruit bowl perched on a ledge room divider thingy, which he reaches from this here computer desk. He gets his second wind about 3 AM, much to Mike's chagrin. You hear little paws padding around the room, but not on a genteel stroll, oh, no. He gallops hither and yon like a mad horse. Still, there is a distinct kitten pad sound on the hardwood floor, just at warp speed. Then he claws his way up the mattress and that's where the real fun begins.
While Robby was playing in his Pillow Tunnel tonight and crouched to spring forth and pull a surprise pounce on Mike, Mike said, What a silly cat. I have a friend who calls me Kat. Maybe even Silly Kat. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, eh?
Robby is poised to jump in the toilet. I know it will happen one day. When I do my Quickie Clean every night, he has learned to come in and sit by the back of the toilet bowl, ready and waiting to seize that perfect moment, when he catches me unawares as I lift the toilet seat. He knows the drill. But he cannot outsmart me on this one. I am more ready and waiting than he is. Still, it's going to happen, just not on my watch.
Label Me KEM
Monday, August 9, 2010
Kitty Salad Skid
Today Robby was naughty and the extreme. Rather, nice and naughty.
This morning while I was still lounging in bed, Robby walked to the head of the bed, climbed up all my pillows, positioned his little body along the top and side of my head. so that he was upside down to me, and then pressed his precious little cheek flush up to mine. I mean, he was making contact. Then he started purring up a storm and this went on for some time. I purred back. So, with this simple act he stole my heart forever, I don't think I'll ever forget the feel of his little warm face pushing against my face, it was rapturous. I told my sister this story and she burst out with, You really DID find a special little kitty. Robby is just a wonderful gift from God.
So, Robby followed up this adorableness with an utterly naughty and ruinous act. We had a big salad for dinner, and Robby was doing his usual, trying to jump up onto the table. First, I'd put him down. Then, Mike would put him down. Robby climbed up Mike's back once, he is resourceful. And more than that, he is persistent.
Finally, I said, Enough of this. And I plopped him into the bathroom, which is very near the dining room, and closed the door. He didn't meow like I expected. We did see his little paws slide under the door, apparently he was on his back because the paws were pads up.
But after a while I guess he meowed and Mike felt sorry for him and said, I can't take it, let him out. So, I opened the bathroom door and Robby walked out. I took a millisecond to hang up the towel he had dragged down to the floor.
Just as I turn to walk back to the table, I see Robby spring in a blink to my chair and, in another dainty leap, land square in the middle of my big salad plate. He sat down in a hurry and slid on all fours, tossing salad like an explosion had gone off. This whole scene scared him to pieces and he shot nimbly across the table, avoiding, who knows how, upsetting the bottle of salad dressing and the drinks, and quickly stepped across Mike's salad before he hit the floor.
Wow. All that unfolded in less than 2 seconds. He really got more than he bargained for, a ride in wet, slippery salad dressing. Then he sat in the kitchen and licked his paws for a good long while. Which allowed us to finish our salad in peace. Except there was no peace to be had. His litter box is in the bathroom and every time I crunched on something in the salad, I had to wonder just exactly what it was.
We're praying for my brother's-in-law father who suffered a heart attack today. They think he will be okay.
My nice eye doctor didn't charge me for the follow-up visit about the sty. Two free appointments, what is the world coming to? VERY NICE. I'm really savoring this because how often does something like this happen? My eye is better, too. Hot compresses.
Tomorrow I'm going to launch into my new system of organization. It involves a Personal Label Maker and my File Jackets.
I forgot to go watch VBS at Mike's church tonight. Rats. They do such a great job, it's incredible. And all the cute kids and everything.
Well, I'm wondering if Robby will ever repeat his Cheeky Love. One can only hope.
Oh, Jazzi just barked very loudly, and it is 2 AM. Robby was sharing my chair, but that barking sent him burrowing into that blankety-blank hole down on the floor by the dishwasher. All I have to do, though, is go get the fishing pole with the fake muskrat on the end of the line. THAT, my friends, is IRRESISTIBLE to Robby. I saw the Lucky Dog Boutique lady and her daughters in the mall today, but I didn't say anything. What was I thinking? I don't usually pass up potential blog material like that. Now I'll have to go to Lucky Dog tomorrow and say, I saw you at Macy's yesterday.
Time for banana cream pie. Three pieces of BCP in 24 hours. This is the misfortune of having a very small family. Pets are not allowed to indulge in BCP. I do have my standards, you know.
Your Friend,
This morning while I was still lounging in bed, Robby walked to the head of the bed, climbed up all my pillows, positioned his little body along the top and side of my head. so that he was upside down to me, and then pressed his precious little cheek flush up to mine. I mean, he was making contact. Then he started purring up a storm and this went on for some time. I purred back. So, with this simple act he stole my heart forever, I don't think I'll ever forget the feel of his little warm face pushing against my face, it was rapturous. I told my sister this story and she burst out with, You really DID find a special little kitty. Robby is just a wonderful gift from God.
So, Robby followed up this adorableness with an utterly naughty and ruinous act. We had a big salad for dinner, and Robby was doing his usual, trying to jump up onto the table. First, I'd put him down. Then, Mike would put him down. Robby climbed up Mike's back once, he is resourceful. And more than that, he is persistent.
Finally, I said, Enough of this. And I plopped him into the bathroom, which is very near the dining room, and closed the door. He didn't meow like I expected. We did see his little paws slide under the door, apparently he was on his back because the paws were pads up.
But after a while I guess he meowed and Mike felt sorry for him and said, I can't take it, let him out. So, I opened the bathroom door and Robby walked out. I took a millisecond to hang up the towel he had dragged down to the floor.
Just as I turn to walk back to the table, I see Robby spring in a blink to my chair and, in another dainty leap, land square in the middle of my big salad plate. He sat down in a hurry and slid on all fours, tossing salad like an explosion had gone off. This whole scene scared him to pieces and he shot nimbly across the table, avoiding, who knows how, upsetting the bottle of salad dressing and the drinks, and quickly stepped across Mike's salad before he hit the floor.
Wow. All that unfolded in less than 2 seconds. He really got more than he bargained for, a ride in wet, slippery salad dressing. Then he sat in the kitchen and licked his paws for a good long while. Which allowed us to finish our salad in peace. Except there was no peace to be had. His litter box is in the bathroom and every time I crunched on something in the salad, I had to wonder just exactly what it was.
We're praying for my brother's-in-law father who suffered a heart attack today. They think he will be okay.
My nice eye doctor didn't charge me for the follow-up visit about the sty. Two free appointments, what is the world coming to? VERY NICE. I'm really savoring this because how often does something like this happen? My eye is better, too. Hot compresses.
Tomorrow I'm going to launch into my new system of organization. It involves a Personal Label Maker and my File Jackets.
I forgot to go watch VBS at Mike's church tonight. Rats. They do such a great job, it's incredible. And all the cute kids and everything.
Well, I'm wondering if Robby will ever repeat his Cheeky Love. One can only hope.
Oh, Jazzi just barked very loudly, and it is 2 AM. Robby was sharing my chair, but that barking sent him burrowing into that blankety-blank hole down on the floor by the dishwasher. All I have to do, though, is go get the fishing pole with the fake muskrat on the end of the line. THAT, my friends, is IRRESISTIBLE to Robby. I saw the Lucky Dog Boutique lady and her daughters in the mall today, but I didn't say anything. What was I thinking? I don't usually pass up potential blog material like that. Now I'll have to go to Lucky Dog tomorrow and say, I saw you at Macy's yesterday.
Time for banana cream pie. Three pieces of BCP in 24 hours. This is the misfortune of having a very small family. Pets are not allowed to indulge in BCP. I do have my standards, you know.
Your Friend,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Robby The Streak.
At the very real risk of nauseating you with more Robby-isms, boring you to tears or making you wish you'd never been born, or all three, maybe just a few more thoughts. Good thing I don't have a camera, eh?
Today my friend said I should have a contest. Blog readers, take the letters of Robby's name and see how many words you can come up with that describe Robby. R. O. B. B. Y. My friend got it started with Roll, Run, Rip, Rampage, Rummage and, of course, Rasputin-ish. O?, anyone?
The prize is a picture of Robby. Of course, like I just said, I don't have a camera. My camera seems to have gone the way of the frying pan, except the camera went first. Even if I had a camera, I should like to know how to post pictures on a blog.
Robby is a study when it comes to folding laundry. He intently watches every move, especially the repetition of underwear. After a while, he decides to "help." To distract him from "helping," I built a fort with pillows (I have six pillows on the bed). That was a BIG hit. With the pillows propped just so and one as a top, Robby now has a Pillow Fort, which is really a Pillow Tunnel. I have a feeling I will be reconstructing it every morning.
Robby had a little surprise when he jumped in the kitchen trash can today. Mike had just taken out the garbage and placed a new liner in the can. So when Robby made his flying leap, TRA-LA, he descended clean to the bottom of the tall can. Because, of course, there was no good garbage filling the can 1/2 to 3/4 full for him to land on. Robby understands NO! He just has selective memory sometimes.
My same friend above, titled her email The Puddy Cat. That is correct. I didn't say it right last blog when I said Putty Cat. Putty Cat would seem to indicate some sort of adhesive. For a bathroom project or what have you. Or maybe that Robby is really a Gumby. Puddy Cat is exactly what it should be. I was glad for the enlightenment.
Mike just got on my nerves, because when I blog I don't need any fooling around near by. And Mike was fixing a snack and rinsing dishes, 4 feet away from where I type. I asked, What are you doing? He said, Excuse me for living. I said, Okay.
Then, Mike caught me, just now, playing with Robby on the computer desk. Robby loves and adores to watch my fingers fly over the keys. Mike says, I know who your favorite is. I said, What do you mean? I thought he meant maybe Jazzi. But he meant himself. Because Robby is allowed to mess up my train-of-blogging-thought, but he, Mike, is not.
Well, I knocked myself out making Mike's Annual Birthday Banana Cream Pie. It involved two trips to the store and a crummy homemade crust. Rats. I ate a piece, but since it's so late, Mike can't have that laying on his stomach at bedtime. He has to wait 'til tomorrow. What is more disappointing than your crust not turning out as usual? Now I am motivated to make another pie soon, so I can get it right.
The Rays are in a vortex. Rats on the Rays.
My friend gave me a massive fire engine red furry kitty hotel, two stories. Used. The other cat hair is on it. I am not allergic to Robby, but I think I'm allergic to this old other cat hair. That's too bad, eh?
Don't forget to enter the R. O. B. B. Y contest, ha, ha.
Robby sends his best,
At the very real risk of nauseating you with more Robby-isms, boring you to tears or making you wish you'd never been born, or all three, maybe just a few more thoughts. Good thing I don't have a camera, eh?
Today my friend said I should have a contest. Blog readers, take the letters of Robby's name and see how many words you can come up with that describe Robby. R. O. B. B. Y. My friend got it started with Roll, Run, Rip, Rampage, Rummage and, of course, Rasputin-ish. O?, anyone?
The prize is a picture of Robby. Of course, like I just said, I don't have a camera. My camera seems to have gone the way of the frying pan, except the camera went first. Even if I had a camera, I should like to know how to post pictures on a blog.
Robby is a study when it comes to folding laundry. He intently watches every move, especially the repetition of underwear. After a while, he decides to "help." To distract him from "helping," I built a fort with pillows (I have six pillows on the bed). That was a BIG hit. With the pillows propped just so and one as a top, Robby now has a Pillow Fort, which is really a Pillow Tunnel. I have a feeling I will be reconstructing it every morning.
Robby had a little surprise when he jumped in the kitchen trash can today. Mike had just taken out the garbage and placed a new liner in the can. So when Robby made his flying leap, TRA-LA, he descended clean to the bottom of the tall can. Because, of course, there was no good garbage filling the can 1/2 to 3/4 full for him to land on. Robby understands NO! He just has selective memory sometimes.
My same friend above, titled her email The Puddy Cat. That is correct. I didn't say it right last blog when I said Putty Cat. Putty Cat would seem to indicate some sort of adhesive. For a bathroom project or what have you. Or maybe that Robby is really a Gumby. Puddy Cat is exactly what it should be. I was glad for the enlightenment.
Mike just got on my nerves, because when I blog I don't need any fooling around near by. And Mike was fixing a snack and rinsing dishes, 4 feet away from where I type. I asked, What are you doing? He said, Excuse me for living. I said, Okay.
Then, Mike caught me, just now, playing with Robby on the computer desk. Robby loves and adores to watch my fingers fly over the keys. Mike says, I know who your favorite is. I said, What do you mean? I thought he meant maybe Jazzi. But he meant himself. Because Robby is allowed to mess up my train-of-blogging-thought, but he, Mike, is not.
Well, I knocked myself out making Mike's Annual Birthday Banana Cream Pie. It involved two trips to the store and a crummy homemade crust. Rats. I ate a piece, but since it's so late, Mike can't have that laying on his stomach at bedtime. He has to wait 'til tomorrow. What is more disappointing than your crust not turning out as usual? Now I am motivated to make another pie soon, so I can get it right.
The Rays are in a vortex. Rats on the Rays.
My friend gave me a massive fire engine red furry kitty hotel, two stories. Used. The other cat hair is on it. I am not allergic to Robby, but I think I'm allergic to this old other cat hair. That's too bad, eh?
Don't forget to enter the R. O. B. B. Y contest, ha, ha.
Robby sends his best,
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- Eh (munch, munch), what's up, Doc?Nuttin', Wabbit!...
- Today at the vets (I live there now), Jazzi was di...
- Good gravy, I almost forgot to blog today.Two quic...
- Let's try a nutshell blog.Love making labels. Espe...
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- Robby The Streak.At the very real risk of nauseati...
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