Saturday, August 14, 2010

Robby is now twice as big as when I got him. He is not jumping up onto the shelf beneath the desk and then hopping onto the computer box and from there onto the sliding keyboard tray anymore, I don't get to see his adorable little face peering out next to the keyboard. It must be because he's too big now and knows it. It breaks my heart. I tap on the sliding tray, Come on, Robby, but he doesn't. 'Cause he can't fit. Wow, that used to be his favorite thing, it was like he was training for the Olympics, he could do it so fast and then faster.

If this is the way it's going to be, I wish he quit squeezing into the hole down by the dishwasher. He naps under the counter, I don't like it. But he's a sweet boy and comes out when I go calling around the house, Robby?, WHERE ARE YOU?

He's tired today from his vaccination yesterday. Boy, that was tough, watching a needle go in his arm and hearing the pitiful "Meow!"

Last night at dinner I told Mike that I could now make him any label he wanted. He said, That is such a comfort. Boy, I sure get a lot of encouragement around here. But I can work my label maker and I've been working it. In fact, I worked all day labeling file jackets and inserting the appropriate papers. It was fun and I think I'm on to something. This is the trick I needed. It's a lot easier than I thought and the finished product is slick and gorgeous, if I don't say so myself. These lovely new colorful jackets, professionally labeled BY KEM. And all papers neatly tucked inside. It will be ongoing, but I made a dent today, want to clear off the desks and counters. We'll tackle the bags, boxes and drawers later, like when my MIL is here for 10 weeks. But it goes pretty fast and there is no feeling like getting control over paper. I probably need to winnow as I go, especially recipes. But I have file jackets for unsorted coupons, clipped coupons, sinus woes, Savory Letters, Blog Jogs, AOL Reader Beauty Tips, and more.

TOO POOPER to proofread this entry. SORRY.

I also typed up interesting tidbits, that I'd scribbled here and there and everywhere. When we get the printer hooked up (old one got broken), I will print and, Baby, FILE AWAY. Interesting things like I read on Facebook, someone was asking where to vacation and Lake Michigan came up and this beautiful Apostle's Island or something. Well, can't let that spectacular info slip through my fingers. And books I should read, and so on and so on. My Senators phone numbers, a permanent vacation packing list, and so on and so on. Hair color Consumer Reports said to use, you know? The name of a small house architect, his specialty, that I read about in a comment on AOL while reading the stuff, can't pass that up, I want an exquisitely designed small house some day, designed by an authority on the subject. VALUABLE INFO I kind of stumble on and don't want to have to search for it some day and come up short. Baked Zita I Googled and was especially good and simple, although my notes come up a little short. Still. Oh, and the tablecloth from 10,000 Villages Shop in Montreat, the lady called and they have some more in, if I want it, which I do, it's so bright and cheerful. I didn't buy it on the spot and then it was gone, you now how that goes. I like to buy there because it supports women in third world countries. These women learn crafts and trades in order to support their families. I love to support such a meaningful, life-giving effort. Well, I needed that tablecloth skew number on record. And the idea to dilute woodwork paint with 1/4 cup water, I think to a gallon of paint, ha, that would be good to know, but it lets the paint glide on effortlessly and try more smoothly. And great paint color lists I come across. And of course, the names of the people how have home fellowship, The Way. All these items are fairly essential. Not ESSENTIAL essential, but they are my reward for getting organized, nice.

Whew, I've have GOT to go. Have a blessed Sunday. Love you all! KEM

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