Monday, September 20, 2010

No sooner than I decided, Umm, we are in serious trouble when Robby figures out how to jump on the kitchen counter...Robby figured out how to jump on the kitchen counter. I'm not kidding, that was my original thought today, and not two hours later he made a sloppy spring from the floor to the counter. Actually, I found him on the counter, in the kitchen sink to be exact, before I caught him in the act of jumping. I thought maybe he did a hop and skip from the new lidded trash can to the counter, or leaped from the open dishwasher, but, nooooo, why trouble himself with wasted motion? In fact, he jumped up there again as I typed. Yes, he had to grasp and claw for his life at the counter's edge, but get the job done he did. He is completely bored with the old and trustworthy and is on the prowl for the new and questionable.

His new initials are RRM or RSM, Robby Rat Mader or Robby Skunk Mader (he does resemble a skunk). When my mother-in-law got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, Robby, always on the alert for a chance at a room from which he's banned, positioned himself prostate in front of her bedroom door. So when she came out of the bathroom, she was trapped. Fortunately, I was still up and handily scooped up RRM, The Night Visitor.

Mother to a Rat,

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