Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Curious George Goes to the Hospital and So Does My Daughter

Happy October 13, 2009,

As you know, you Blog-Keeper-Uppers, I love and adore old-timey children's stories. My sister and I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the book Good Night, Moon. The artwork alone was other-worldly charming. So different and cozy -- the sum of color, tidiness, harmony and simplicity. And to find that ratty little mouse in all the pictures. Come on, it doesn't get any more fun. UNLESS . . .

. . . Unless you check with DTD. Good Night, Moon bored her to tears. Or something. She didn't like it, definitely she did not. DTD has always known her own mind. Some of the things she rejected boggled my brains, but, hey, more power to her. She isn't one one to waffle either. Unlike her mother who can't even pick out something to eat from a restaurant menu. It ALL sounds good. Not to DTD it doesn't. SHE has DISCRETION.

So, she did have books that appealed to her. And the Curious George books were well-received. I always appreciated Curious George myself. That monkey possessed the triple threat of children's literature. He had sass, the polite variety, mild sauce and spunk galore. And he was always so angelic looking in the midst of his messes. So likeable. I think we can all relate to the jams he created for himself. DTD, when interested in a book, really studied the thing out. I could see her little pensive face, her little wheels chugging, absorbing everything the story and pictures had to offer. Which was PUH-LENTY Oh, and her father's name happens to be George.

Curious George Goes to the Hospital. Yep, that one was a BIG hit with DTD. By the way, I Googled it to check if I had the title just right. And I did, I remembered after all these years! The cover art shows George in front of an array of first-aid equipment. I do remember him being VERY CURIOUS about stethoscopes and things. While I was looking at this Curious George website, I pushed the back button or clicked on the cover or something and a site came up, SURPRISE!, called Persons of Taste -- A Movie Review Forum with Factions (whatever that means). It noted that Persons of Little or No Taste were welcome also. So, the review for George Goes to the Hospital said, A monkey on ether, what's not to like? Honestly, how on earth did pushing the back button take me to this site? I have such a knack. Oh, and George shows his curiosity over the medical implements by placing his pointer finger on his lips. I DO THAT, TOO.

I'm not sure how many times I read CGGtotheHospital, but the number would be up there. One morning I got up and went into the kitchen, just like any other morning (that's right, I used to get up in the morning). And you know the feeling of abruptly stopping in your tracks? Well, that morning I stopped in my tracks because "something was not right," to borrow from Madeline. I just knew something was wrong, even thought it took me a second to grasp exactly WHAT that was. I'll tell you what wasn't right. The night before there had been a safety pin on the kitchen counter. And now there was not a safety pin on the kitchen counter. I immediately had a very bad feeling and ran to ask George if he'd seen or taken a safety pin off the counter. I think he remembered seeing it but he definitely had left it alone. Soooo, seriously and gently, without FREAKING OUT and alarming 2 year old DTD, we asked her, Baby, did you swallow the safety pin that was on the kitchen counter? This was the logical question because, if you recall, Curious George Goes to the Hospital because he SWALLOWED A PIECE OF A PUZZLE. DTD did not say anything, she didn't shake or nod her head, she just looked away. That meant the answer was YES. Because if the answer was NO, she would have said NO. That was her way.

DTD seemed to be okay, but I am internally FREAKING because my mind jumped to worse case scenario, WHAT IF THE PIN WAS OPEN? I know that is a stretch because she would have surely gagged on it or choked to death, oh, the thought of it is wretched still. But it is a mother's prerogative (try finding THAT in the dictionary) to squeeze out every last drop of drama if she is going to be put through the likes if this. So of course she had to be taken to the hospital, JUST LIKE GEORGE. DTD got to don a little miniature white hospital gown, JUST LIKE GEORGE. She got X rays, JUST LIKE GEORGE. She had to lie perfectly still, just like somebody else. In fact, the X ray tech said that DTD followed instructions better than adults. Sure enough, the pictures showed a safety pin down in her little tummy. A CLOSED pin. TOTAL FLOODING of RELIEF for this old KEM, who tripled her age in those few hours.

I wonder if DTD was disappointed she didn't get to stay overnight in the hospital, just like Curious G. I'm absolutely positive that was the plan. She swallowed the safety pin for one reason and for one reason only. She wanted to get in that hospital. She wanted to lie on that table and have an X ray and see a picture of that safety pin in her tummy. And have the nurses fussing over her, administering shots and pills, taking vital signs. And get a fancy operation, the whole nine yards, exactly like George. She was Curious to see what ails the other kids in the hospital, too. How 'bout some ice cream after the surgery? Or entertaining the other patients by performing a puppet show and spinning around on a record player until you fly off? And experimenting with a wheelchair, such a Curious thing, and slipping out of the room, speeding out of control down the hall ramp. Then instigating a riot crashing into meal carts, making a Curious mess and landing in the Mayor's arms. And becoming an instant celebrity because you made the sad, scared kid in the hospital finally laugh. This would all be NO PROBLEM, because of course George's operation is a big success. The puzzle piece is removed and the nurse gives it to him in a box to take home to finish the puzzle, the very last piece. Which is why George went to the hospital in the first place. When he and the Man with the Yellow Hat tried to put the puzzle together, there was one piece missing. Then George didn't feel very well and off they went to the hospital for X rays. Which is why we ended up in the hospital in the second place.

In my research, ahem, I learned that this book was the final installment in the original Curious George series of seven. Also, Kirkus Reviews writes:

"While beginning readers are convinced that they are enjoying themselves with George, their supervising adults are equally sure that they are learning something."

Oh, yeah, baby. Amen and amen.

Live and Learn,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy,

    I still have that Curious George book and others too! I love them all and all my girls enjoyed them. My youngest still likes them.
    What a story about your daughter! Yep, books do influence kids, no doubt about that!
    Love the name of your blog!




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