Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rattles of Pots and Pans and Paris

Dear Fellow Old Movie Lovers,

So, we watched the yard sale movie tonight. It was the saddest thing ever, and now I'm too worn out to blog. What is with Elizabeth Taylor anyway, did she only make tear jerkers of the Nth degree? She certainly has a way. Remember the other movie I told you to run out and get, Waterloo Bridge, the movie starring Miss Taylor that is guaranteed to strip all joy from your being forever? Well, The Last Time I Saw Paris is right up there. RUSH out and get it, don't wait. You can even borrow my copy.

All I can do now is Google Van Johnson. He is a BRILLIANT actor, if brilliance is judged by the number of tears he causes one to cry. I wish I could bottle and sell the tears he made me shed, the tears that soaked my eyes and eyelashes, glasses, face, neck and shirt. ALL BECAUSE OF HIM. Except, who would buy my tears?

I used my Cameo Aluminum and Stainless Steel Powdered Cleanser on my omelet pan. The paper towels kept coming up black. Pan does look shinier, but I get the ominous feeling I could scour away for a lifetime and the paper towels would keep coming up just as black. You know, I'm always a little suspicious of people and their yard sale junk. If this pan is only the limit, a family heirloom, why on earth are they getting rid of it? For 2 bucks?? So I ask, can't help it, It's such a lovely pan, how can you part with it? The lady said, We were tired of seasoning the pan, we use Teflon now. Oh.

Mike read my blog from yesterday this morning. He was fully expecting omelets for lunch. But the yard sale so finished me off that I'm afraid I slept through church. I slept not IN church, but rather at home in my bed. So, I slept through lunch, too. HOWEVER, I did try out the omelet pan in the middle of the night when I was hungry. I took my severely undercooked eggs, the ones I didn't REALLY want to slurp up through a straw. I cracked them in lots of butter in yard sale aluminum pan and scrambled them. They were scrumptious. I mean, it's hard to beat a scrambled egg, isn't it? The pan must be kept, I read on the bottom that it is called DURA-WARE (so NOW we know why lady wrote on tag, So durable you can leave it in your will). Shows a little cartoon imprint of a chef with big pot settled in front of him (reminds me of the Cream of Wheat man, tall white chef's hat and everything). In one hand he's holding the lid and with the other he's making a circle with his thumb and pointer finger because everything is JUST DANDY cooking with DURA-WARE, don't you know. The lid and pot have little dashes coming out from them to draw attention to their spanky glory. MADE IN USA 907. NEW YORK in on there, need we boast more? Yes, we need to, because last and not least, Michigan is stamped on there also. A circle says, NSF Testing Laboratory, Ann Arbor, Mich. How 'bout them taters? Cook up your dinners in DURA-WARE and everything will taste superb, just like my granny's Michigan dinners. Everything somehow comes 'round full circle for me, beginning and ending with Michigan.

Did we just have a weekend? I'm still back in last week somewhere.

EXHAUSTED from the Paris movie,

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