Friday, January 21, 2011

Ape is crawling back out of the hole. Not quite ready to be absolutely ape-y, though.

Hey, last night Mike came in the door from choir practice. First thing, he shouts, Did you know Robby was sitting outside by the front door???


Pardon me, but Holy Smokes!!!!!!!

Now news like that will wake your liver up. (Probably should be wake up your liver, but sometimes the wrong way just sounds better.)

Here's how it happened. Three minutes earlier a strange man came to the front door. Now, I don't like a strange man coming to the front door -- especially when it's dark outside. So, I'm trying to talk to him through the closed front door, it's glass. Jazzi of course is barking up a storm, so I bend down to scoop her up. The man insists he has important papers he's delivering.

So, I open the door a crack so he can hand me the papers. Dumb, dumb, dumb, I know.

I shut the door and walk back to the kitchen, thumbing through these papers. Then I hear that Mike just pulled in the driveway and he is talking to the man out front.

After that is when Mike comes in and asks his dumbfounding question. He said Jazzi was on the inside and Robby was on the outside, and they sat there staring at each other through the glass.

Apparently, when I opened the door a crack to get those confounded papers, Robby made The Great Escape, I didn't see it AT ALL.

BUT, the GOOD news is that Robby is a perfect doll. That poor baby could have run away, but he sat prim and proper, waiting to be let back in. He is brilliant, I tell you. A whole lot more brilliant than his mother!

We've noticed that the last couple of weeks he seems more interested in escaping, like when I open the door to reach for the mail, or when I let Jazzi out back. Which makes it all the more interesting to me that he decided to stay by the front door and not run away.

THANK YOU, LORD. I was kind of numb for a while after this happened. Especially since I'm the one who typed labels for the doors, WHATEVER YOU DO, DO NOT LET THE CAT OUT. Which DT-sD thought was extra stupid. So who lets the cat out? Moi. And believe me, the labels weren't intended for moi. They were intended for all the other careless people in the world who wouldn't know if a cat slipped out. Funny how things come back to haunt you.

BJH wants to know what I was saying about Chef Tell in the blog that disappeared two nights ago. BJH, that is an excellent question. I will have to think long and hard. Maybe tomorrow I can try to reconstruct that blog. It won't be the same, that's for sure. I can only hope the second edition will be better, right?

The movie Paris When It Sizzles positively puts me sound asleep every time I watch it (so why do I watch it?). I watched it for the second time tonight in recent history (third time in my whole life), having watched it two weeks ago, mainly so I think I'm getting my money's worth for having it from Netflix for 8 million weeks. Anyway, the second reason I watched it again was so I could see if I accurately quoted Gabriella's comment about going ape. I was close. When she wakes up to a whole other day, she goes ABSOLUTELY ape. I went ahead and made the correction in the original blog about that. But you wouldn't know that, so I decided to enlighten you here and now. But I do love the apartment and the clothes in this movie. Half the fun of a movie to me is a gorgeous apartment and clothes.

Listen, some of the new movies coming out, and television. WHOA! Things are getting more and more awful really really fast. I read things and reviews and Christian activist organizations let me know what's up. Let's all join in praying for our kids. This trash is so available 24/7, so thrown in their faces, that they begin to believe it. It's really Satan's great tool, the sexual, evil modern culture. It makes me so sad. Even some kids raised with Christian values, they can't distinguish right from wrong. The new fad is that what their parents say the Bible says, well, that's open for debate, you know, you can interpret the Bible differently. Really? Like premarital sex is just fine? Really, since when, how do they come up with that? It's the saddest thing ever. They probably want to justify what they see their contemporaries doing on TV shows.

Please do lift up these young people to the Lord, that they would learn to love God and have the strength to say NO! and not be sucked into a vortex of degradation that's just going to bring them down, down, down. Sorry to get on this, but I've suddenly realized that the situation is far worse than I realized. Lord, have mercy on us all. And may we parents truly set a godly example, in word and action. And forgive us, Lord, where we have failed. While I'm at it, the churches could be preaching against sin a whole lot more. My church is a Bible-believing church but you don't hear much about sin. Wow, we need to hear it! Loud and clear. God's mercy is abundant but there seems to be a coddling effect going on, really, there are no morals left, hardly. Anyone who speaks up is going to be unpopular, but so be it. The loving thing to do is warn young people to get off the broad path that leads to destruction and get on that narrow path that leads to life everlasting. Even if they don't want to hear it, they have GOT to hear it. Hopefully and prayerfully it will save them soon.

I take responsibility for this, too. I could be A LOT more serious about my walk with God. I'm one of those where the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak indeed. Watery gruel weak. That's me. Well, this has got to change. I appreciate your prayers, too! God is bringing us to our knees, one way or the other. Our children our too precious not to supplicate the Lord daily and ferverently. And, Lord deliver me from giving lip service but having a heart that is far from God.

Soapbox KEM

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