Thursday, February 25, 2010

Today I got to see my best friend from third grade. The one who decided she liked me and wanted to be my friend. Which was very helpful since I was so shy I had never had a friend yet. I will always be grateful to her for that. She brought me little presents to school and played with me on the playground. It was also good because it was a new school and gave me hope that someone might like me, which I hadn't had the pleasure at my former schools. Your head is a lonely world when it is full of self-doubt.

Anyway, my friend is so sweet and kind. For instance, she sent my DTD a birthday gift every year, it seems like, to age 18. Her friendship is very tender. One summer we roomed together at music camp. One night out of the blue she leaned over and planted a little kiss on my forehead and said, I love you. How sweet is that? I appreciate her loyalty and generosity to this day. When I was completely down and out she sent me monetary gifts for an extended length of time. When DTD and I were moving to a different apartment, this same friend came from another town to help me clean it up. And she's upbeat, ready to have a fun time. She's one to encourage you, too. To play the piano or follow the Lord. When the choir director angrily and repeatedly blamed me for his mistake, she was the first one in the bathroom later to comfort me. I spent so many Friday nights at her house you can't count 'em. She's the one who has the angel mother, who didn't scream, Bloody Murder! when we let the bathtub overflow. A lifelong friendship like this is more than a little God gift, it's a treasure.

I could say so much more, but that's a start.

Okay, I'm really wiped out. Loved the Korean skater. THAT was magnificent. She did not let her countrymen down. Isn't all that pressure such a shame? What are people thinking?

I've had two of you readers thank me for telling about my friend's new blog. Her blog is helpful. Mine is such a bunch of fluff. Is that okay?


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