Sunday, February 28, 2010

Hi Everyone, Happy Almost March 1st! Every year I want to really pay attention to March, April, May. Usually around the end of April I go, Oh, man!, I'm supposed to be paying attention.

Head is still very strange. The Coke kept me up all night. Right before I FINALLY fell asleep I opened my eyes and saw . . . the dreaded blue spots. This time they were smaller blue dots on a white strip of paper, like those little round candies that come on white paper, and they're spaced a little bit from each other. Am I making this up? What are those little candies called? Anyway, my white strip of blue dots was clear across the room, so they were bigger than the candy ones.

Today when I played for the choir, about 2/3rd the way into the song, I totally didn't play three measure of piano interlude as written. Have no idea what I played, it was freaky. The director worked very hard to keep a beat and waved his arms wildly to bring the choir in at the right time. So, we at least got it together at that point. I didn't feel real good about this. At least the rest of the playing was okay. Gads, someone wanna tell me why I'm doing this?? I don't think perimenopausal women should have any obligations that require leaving the house. I just want to crawl in a hole, wake me up in a few years.

Aren't you happy for Canada, our sweet friends? If the USA couldn't win hockey, at least it's fun to see Canada put themselves on the map in such spectacular fashion, along with the most gold medals. Didn't I just blog that they had never even won a gold medal in their other two Olympic hostings? How did they pull this off? And where on earth is Russia? Nowhere to be seen except Pleshenko making a big baby out of himself, along with Putin. Good gravy. I loved Lysecek's comment that maybe Russia wouldn't let him compete in the next Olympics. Well, Russia will be wanting some medals when they host next time, wonder what the plan is. And I'm happy USA now has the record for total medals haul, especially when we've never stood on top of the medal count before. That is cool. And I'm especially happy the Olympics is OVER. I'm TOTALLY Olympic-ed out. Sweet Tulsa didn't even watch any of the Olympics. What a good girl.

The blue side bar on the computer, the one you click to move up and down? That is the color of my blue dots.

Olympic commentary suspended until Summer Games 2012. I'll bet Jesus comes back before then. One last thing, Apollo Ohno is so jolly, even without a new gold. Nice.

Officially half over,

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