Saturday, November 21, 2009

This white bright blank screen shall remain largely so tonight. Going in the file is June Kirkpatrick's Sweet Potato Casserole, a Thanksgiving must. June was a school teacher in NC and every year she fixed a big dinner for her class, ham, green beans, sweet potato casserole. I ate it a couple of times and it's a very desirable combination. June canned her own green beans and boy, they were good, cooked to death in the Southern Tradition. Nice 'n salty, too, goes great with the sugar loaded sweet potatoes, sugar and salt complimenting each other so nicely. I always cut the amount of sugar called for to about half, I mean, let's get real, we are dealing with SWEET potatoes. I really don't know how Southerners survive. A 5 pound bag of white refined sugar goes in their homemade iced tea, I'm talking about one pitcher of tea. I've seen it with my own eyes. I'll tell you, nothing on the planet can be mistaken for a true Southerner. They are simply a marvelous breed.

Okay, I am not ready to play the piano for choir tomorrow. The scary thing is that I only partially care. I think I need a Sabbatical from all outside duties/obligations. I'm going to take it on the island of Bermuda. Wouldn't that just be so Heavenly??

I am tickled because I have happened to read a couple of book reviews lately on two separate books. Both authors were criticized for being flowery or La-La Land style of writing. Boy, I'm in trouble. Hope those critical women don't read my blog. Honestly, being a critic, what kind of profession is THAT? I love the idea that the need to criticize says more about the person doing the criticizing than they person they are criticizing. Gads, let's all make up our own minds. But I guess people like to read critiques or there wouldn't be so many critiquees (??).

Everyone, try to enjoy the pre-Thanksgiving prep. I hope I can do that. A mindset, right?


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