Thursday, November 19, 2009

Goza's Peppered Roast going in the file tonight. It's from Southern Sideboards cookbook. Isn't it funny how we, if you're anything like I am, have one or two recipes we use from each of 40 cookbooks. I don't understand that phenomenon. Seems like I thumb through and recipes don't jump out and grab me by the ears and shake me. Or if they do, I POSTPONE trying them . . . forever. Isn't postpone such a more flattering word than PROCRASTINATE?

Well, Goza's Peppered Roast is fabulous. I haven't made it in centuries because I can't find an organic roast. But like I said, that new organic market promising hunks of meat will be opening soon. Goza's recipe will be ready and waiting. Once DTD'S best friend had the roast at my house. She is very picky eater and went home and told her mother to get the recipe. I was very pleased.

I think omelett should be served for dinner once a week, don't you?

In the mood to throw out old, stale, dangerous, poisonous food. This always happens before Thanksgiving.


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