Thursday, November 5, 2009

Becoming An LU, Lady of Units

Every year my neighbor hosts a sensational Valentine's Party for her friends. She has a very fun collection of friends. Last year in all the chit-chat, a lady announced that she does Units. All ears perked up. What are Units?, you may ask, as did we. Units are how she manages her time. Like say she needs to pay the bills, she will designate a Bill Paying Unit. Or maybe she must eat lunch, PRESTO!, a Lunch Unit. I think this motivates her to get things done, if not completely organized. Doesn't breaking your time into Units sound so impressive? It would seem anyone accomplishing Units should get PAID for it, Paid by the Unit. I am now not only a Box Gardener, I ama Proud Professional Unitizer. I knew something fabulous was coming on the heels of turning into A Gardener, didn't I even just say so LAST NIGHT, wondering what it could be? Well, now I know. And so do you. Does anyone want to become a Professional Unitizer with me??

I said recently on a blog that I was going to zap my life into order by moving the day along at 1/2 hour increments (which I'm sorry to report has not happened yet, I hurt my foot). But now, since I recall all this Unit jazz, I'm going to do Units instead. And I'm going to do 10 Minute Units. That might make me a Little Dizzy, but it goes like this. Say I want a Piano Practice Unit. ANYONE can do 10 Lousy Minutes, right? So, after 10 Minutes, if it still Feels Good, I can tack on an additional 10 Minute Piano Practice Unit. If it Feels Crummy, I can switch to a More Agreeable Unit like a Throw In a Load of Laundry Unit or Fold the Clothes Unit or Load the Dishwasher Unit or Tackle the Messy Paper Pile on the Counter Unit or Read the Newspaper Unit or Sort Photos Unit or Tweeze Nose Hairs Unit. Do ya foller?

Or maybe a Unit is Severely Dreaded, a Less-than-Zero Fun Unit, like Dusting or Swiping Baseboards (I wish someone would Swipe Mine, as in Carry Them Out of the State). Well, again, even the Faintest Amongst Us can last 10 Minutes Swishing a Dustcloth. SURELY WE CAN. I know this is Very Elementary, my dear Watson, but I shall experiment and see how I make out. Maybe a 15 Minute Unit is more Reasonable. Because I have been comprehending recently, even before I remembered This about Units, that 30 minutes of back exercise is Overkill, but that's how long it takes to run through all the different exercises. SOOOO, me says to meself, Why not do noon, evening and midnight 10 Minute Sessions instead? That would be less exhausting, better for the back and accomplish the whole routine, just not all at once. TA-DA! So last night I did 10 Minutes, it went by lickety-split. This afternoon I checked the clock and launched into my second 10 Minute Session, now Unit. And when I checked the clock again, HARK!, 13 minutes had zipped by. So, isn't this happy news? 10 Minute Units are NOTHING. They are Minuscule and Palatable. We are going to be so Productive we won't know what to do with ourselves, what with all the extra time doing Units is going to allow us. Hmmm, does this smack of being Too Good to Be True??

Oh, and another Merit of Small Units. Even if you get interrupted or somehow blow your Current Unit, you get a New Chance in about 30 Seconds. Sweet. Really, I can't imagine any drawbacks to UNITS! Friendly and Benign, that's Units in a Nutshell. My, but i've Gone Capital Crazy Tonight.

So anyway, since I have to go to bed now, I shall neatly schedule 120 Sleep Units. WOW, isn't that crazy? Doing 120 of Anything makes me feel like a Regular Ball of Fire. I shall let you know how my Performances of Units pan out. I can see it now, A Daily Box Gardening Unit. This is going to make me feel So Good. The Possibilities for Units are Endless.

KEM of the Units

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