Friday, September 25, 2009

People. Somehow cooking and blogging do not go together, at least not on the same day. I'm finding I CANNOT do both on one and the same day. I do not have that kind of stamina.

My darling husband noted that when he does something good, like going to Annie's funeral, I refer to him as "my husband." But when he does something bad, like roughing up the cupcakes, then I refer to him as "Roach Mike." If this is true, it's all done subliminally, I don't organize my thoughts in such a manner as to produce something like that deliberately, or even consciously. Leave it to him to even notice.

Okay, so MY HUSBAND took me shopping tonight. I came home from Macy's with Buy One Get One Free Fiestaware fruit bowls, you know, the darling teeny ones. Peacock Blue, Lemongrass green, Tangerine and . . . WHITE. One of each. That Lemongrass is the limit. It's FW'S new color and it's a Royal Winner. Now I want four salad plates in Lemongrass. I have dinner plates and bread 'n butter plates in orangesicle, but now I miss salad-sized plates, which are just so perfect for a sandwich. Bread plate, the sandwich falls off. Dinner plate, sandwich looks lost. I used to have white salad plates.

This is very disappointing, but the escalators at Macy's were in fine operating order. A lot of good that did me as I neglected to FOCUS, and when I got home I didn't even hardly realize I'd had two escalator rides. Oh, brother. The couple ahead of me distracted me on the way up. He was playing lovey-dovey, and she was batting his hand off her face. That was so interesting. On the way down I was too delirious with smart FW purchase to even know I was riding an escalator. But Mike assures me we were. He said, The escalator was exceptionally noisy. Well, that would have been good to pay attention to, it would have reminded me of great-grandmother Josie and how that would have heightened her fear of being ground up in the escalator grate like mincemeat, the excess sound effects would have accentuated the whole scene into an absolute riot. Rats.

Husband also bought me two pairs of Birkenstock sandals, which I have to wear because of poor arch support. I try wearing normal shoes and that is always a dismal failure, my foot just spreads down flat like a crepe . . . ICK! These sandals are more like flip-flops, actually, they look like the old Dr. Scholl's everyone used to wear, with the wooden soles (weren't those just the epitome of comfort?) They were half-price of a full-price that was reasonable to start with, for Birks. I got Lemongrass Green and White. Well, I thought I got white until I just went and checked the boxes, wanted to see if the green sandals were same green as Lemongrass FW, and it was nigh unto an EXACT match, not that that is going to serve me particularly well, unless I secure the fruit dish to my head like some kind of a new pillbox, but I still got a bang out of it. But the other color, I've got to be kidding myself, is NOT white after all, it's Black. Which is fine. In fact, it's good. I tend to leave as little time as possible to accomplish something, so we never got to the shoe store until 15 minutes before it closed. There were so many sale boxes to wade through that I became slightly frantic and only half heard the clerk say, We have every color in you size EXCEPT white. But the clerk herself had white, so that's what happened, I got con-fus-ed. But a little scary to not know what you're buying. But black is better. Right?

Now, the other clerk, at Macy's. I went to all the trouble to pick the exact bowls I wanted from the open stock, as all pieces have little variations. So of course the white bowl I picked didn't have a price on it ('cause I swiped it from a boxed set of four that was down to two as someone else had obviously helped themselves prior). So the clerk says at check-out, I have to go find a white bowl with the price on it. I figured she would bring both bowls back to register, but oh no, she left my hand-selected bowl back on the table and came up with the only other white bowl out there, the one I had purposely rejected. So, I had to say, Ummm, could you please let me have the other bowl, I picked it out SPECIAL. She was very nice. She didn't look at me like I had three heads and horns.

So, anyway, now we come home and I have to properly dispose of my pasty mashed potatoes in the Swedish meatballs. So, that was a little involved. Side dishes Amy's Macaroni and Cheese microwaved and raw green pepper strips were not too strenuous, but still, I stand by my belief, cooking is SOOOOO tiring. Now I can't blog tonight. But that's okay, I'll do it tomorrow. It really needs to be done tonight, because my topic is meant to serve as an inspiration for a certain Saturday morning activity, but I can't do it. I made my husband the nice dinner because he was being so nice today. He should take note.

BTW, the Swedish meatballs recipe was just so good, found it in the newspaper. Tastes EXACTLY like something June Cleaver would have served to her boys. Oh, guess what? I have a friend whose uncle was one of the writers for Leave it to Beaver and other quality TV shows. I don't think he is still living. But can you imagine the conversation I could have had with him? WOW! If you want the recipe, let me know. Also, I love the Fiestaware lady on the box, cha-cha-ing in her tiered flowing gown. She is very graceful and snappy all at once. I need to do more research on FW and figure out the whole enchilada. Fascinating American institution. My friend above who had Beaver uncle, I bragged so much about FW that she up and bought every color in the universe of it one year ago. She LOVES it. Her enthusiasm runneth over, so just the other day the little rat also helped herself to the new Lemongrass 4-piece place setting. She is a super fun friend, don't you just love those? And guess what? She is of Swedish descent.

A Good Day KEM

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