Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hi, it's Sunday when I like to cool my blog jets.

For a long time now I've been trying to practice forgiveness. I'm not very good at it. It's a hot topic, so my church had a Sunday school class on it. I took the class. The class was very good. The class was repeated because everyone in it felt like they still hadn't learned how to forgive. On paper it sounds so easy. God forgives us of our sinful nature and all the sins we continually commit as a result of being born into sin. So, He expects us to forgive others of the far lesser sins they commit against us (but ultimately all sin is against God). But we are hangers-on, some of us. Maybe the depth of the hurt makes it so difficult to let go. But during one forgiveness class a woman was visiting her mother and said, We have to be willing to accept the pain that goes along with forgiving someone. DING, DING, DING! That struck me more than anything to date. YES! Forgiveness is not just a glib, I forgive you. It comes at a cost. Just like Jesus' forgiveness cost Him His life and alienation from His Father, the ultimate sacrifice. I don't know why this never occurred to me before. Forgiveness HURTS. It's acknowledging that we will let someone be blessed, release their wrong, forget, even though our pain is very real. Even if they don't deserve forgiveness. So we don't want to go there, it's too difficult. But since I don't deserve God's forgiveness either, it is a gift, then my arguments and stubborness are not going to be acceptable. The issue is no longer someone's offence, rather it's how great my privilege to live unto the Lord and show His love through forgiveness . . . and how fast can I run and do that? It's a process, though, to get to that point. A good thing God has everlasting patience. I am learning also that what God asks of us are things He must also give us the grace to do. Truly, in my own strength, of my fleshly resources, I do not have the capability to forgive. It comes from meditating on what Jesus did for me. If I don't grasp that, what foundation do I have to forgive anyone? It is all His work, but he does invite me to comply, and I best not refuse.

The other roadblock to forgiveness seems to be esteeming myself too highly. I don't want to deal with that end of it, the end that shows I'm not perfect, FAR from it. But if in humiliy I recognize my own shortcoming, the times I've been the one to inflict hurt and pain, then why wouldn't I run to forgive others? Because I would certainly want others to show the same compassion and forgive me.

JESUS, the Gift Who keeps on giving. Lord, thank you for Your mercy in forgiving me. Out of awe, respect and deep gratitude, help me to forgive others. Teach me to forgive as you do, graciously, generously and completely. Help others to forgive me. Help us all to become more like You, our Savior.


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