Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hello one and all,

I opened my blog and see that I have not been blogging much lately. December is simply a lost cause.

But the new year is approaching faster than Robby running up the staircase. I feel the urge to start blogging again regularly.

I just made the lumpiest Cream of Wheat of all time. Oh, happy day.

BJH, hi there. Okay, so you don't see comments I answer to other people, but do you see the comments I answer to your comments? I'm asking here because it won't do any good for me to post a comment back to you asking if you see my comments to you in the comment section, if my comments are not registering. It seems to me that I can read people's comments but no one has ever seen my comments back. How is that for a sad commentary?

Germany was fabulous, and I will be sharing the highlights of this trip soon. The bad sad weather only delayed us one day, but it was a day seared into my memory, I can still feel the singe.

Love you all and have a super happy Christmas. Christ, the Savior, is born! Now THAT'S a happy day!



  1. We miss your blog! Let's start the New Year out reading your blog!....thanks ....maybe I'll start one and we can comment to each other that way but I'm not sure how but always willing to learn! One of your dedicated readers. I check everyday sometimes more than once a day! bjh

  2. Where are youuuuuuu? bjh

  3. Are you ever going to start blogging again? bjh



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