Friday, October 22, 2010

Hear ye! Hear ye!

Tonight we watched our Netflix movie. The one we've had for 4 months. Making it a rather expensive movie. Funny how Netflix doesn't call you and say, Hey, do you remember you have a movie out...for 4 months? Of course they don't do that!

It was so worth it though. You simply HAVE HAVE HAVE to see this movie. I cannot wait to watch it again. It's slapstick a lot but, in my humble opinion, absolutely brilliant and hilarious. Pure delight. It's crazy, loud and has the famous Automat scene, which is unreal. I told Mike, It must have been exhausting for the director to make this movie. It doesn't hurt that my favorite star ever, Jean Arthur, is the leading lady. And also stars other character actors loaded with personality. A total screwball with catchy dialogue and fun, fun, fun! The best. I thought. Must watch a few more times to catch all that, ahem, catchy dialogue.

Not a good day, folks! Sinus infection on the prowl. An accident in the family.

But on the good side, my stepson got a promotion at work, GOOD FOR HIM! I was able to get antibiotics, but it took some doing. My nephew turned 15. And we watched the FABULOUS movie.

What a weird day. EXTRA weird.

Nighty night,

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