Thursday, July 15, 2010

My house is a dump and it's getting dumpier every day. By the minute, I'd say.

Today in the Bible club I was sitting behind a little girl and she suddenly turns to me and says,
Why are you here?

Why am I here?? I guess she wonders why I come every day and just sit there, instead of getting up front and singing, Uh-Oh Wonderful Love, shrugging my right shoulder on Uh and my left shoulder on Oh. So in her little wise eyes, she'd really like to know why I'm there, doing nothing.

Anyway, it was a good question. Why ARE we here..or there...or wherever? I was there in particular, I told her, because I drive the teenage teachers to club (which was probably very unimpressive to a 5 year old). But WHY? is a good question. I should ask it of myself for everything I do, it would surely help me refine my activity on this planet.


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