Monday, May 17, 2010

When I came home from helping Jinny today I wondered who had visited the house. Because there were big sticky drip spots here and there and everywhere all over the floor. The size of quarters. I kept stepping in them and had to keep wiping them up with damp paper towels. Couldn't believe how many drips, in the kitchen, piano area and living room. It was rather irritating.

My first thought was, Who would do such a thing? Maybe it was DTD. But I know better than to blame her for anything. Then I wondered if they were leftover from having company. Well, that held no water because as far as I knew the stickies hadn't been there three hours ago, before I left for Jinny's. Then I wondered how Jazzi could have done it. But I didn't want to go there.

Well, my goodness, what a mystery.

So way later in the day, it hit me. I did it. Who, little ol' innocent I-would-never-do-such-a-thing me? How did I do it? I'll tell you how. With Mike out of town, I have to do his little jobs, like getting the trash to the curb. Yep, my bag of trash from the kitchen must have had a leak. And of course, I didn't take my bag directly outside, I roamed the house with it in because I was in a hurry and I wanted Jazzi to either come out front with me while I dumped the trash or go out back first, anything to avoid a doggy accident. And I just happened to already have the bag in my hand. This is why these drops went everywhere, because I was asking Jazzi what she wanted to do. Here, Jazz, want to go out to the deck? No? Want to go out front with Mom? No? Okay, let's go out back then. And I'm moving all around while I speak, trying to get her to pick something. Honestly.

I like it when it's my fault. It shows me to be generous when other people make messy mistakes.

Here's a good question: Are you a receiving vessel of love?

That idea was brought to my attention once by my doctor. I thought it was very perceptive of her. I was having some depression we were discussing.

And then once a counselor told me that people who have been through some junk (that would most likely be all of us) tend to look at everything through these smudged glasses, or whatever. Everything that comes our way is kind of distorted because it's filtered through past hurtful events. So, maybe people with these sort of glasses do have trouble being a receiving vessel of love -- we rebuff the kindnesses of others as an act of self-protection. We have to learn to trust again, knock down our walls of fear and believe in pure motives. It all tied together for me.

I'm glad there are people who say things that penetrate. And I know God places them in our lives at just the right time, so we have these Aha! moments. Then we can work at overcoming our weak spots because at least we now have clarity as to why they are our weak spots.

This morning we had lots of rain storms, it was luscious. Then when Jinny and I came out of the grocery store, the sky to the west had big spots (word of the blog) of gorgeous blue that had broken open (whoa, that's so bad I've gotta leave it) through the white glazed clouds. To the east, over the bay, the sky was black and lowering with lightening bolts. And these two totally different skies met flush with each other. It was stunning and I hope some photographer took advantage of the situation. It was like being in two different places at once, or something -- like a riddle.

Well, my thoughts are flying every which-a-way and it's time to wrap.


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