Saturday, May 29, 2010

When family comes to visit (stay with) you (overnight) (for two weeks) (at a clip), is that considered company?

CDW and I have decided that we have darkest before dawn (black) hearts. Ugh.

Okay, all my friends out there. I hope you are having a good time in the midst of everything that is going on...weddings galore, for one thing. CDW has been twirling with her daughter's wedding plans for the past year and she is READY TO BE DONE WITH IT. Her house is covered in wedding jazz and gifts, can't find the floor, etc. I am saying a prayer for CDW right now.

Today we went to a graduation party and I was so happy to see this family. The kids used to go to school together 10 years ago and I really love the mother, she is hysterical. We are going to have lunch, so we say. I hope so, I could use a few good laughs. Have only seen them a few times in the last 10 years, Wah, Wah, Wah. Life is heart wrenching, all the change, when I like things exactly the way they used to be. I'm afraid I don't cope so well, how do you all do it?

I guess just living today and moving ahead, eh? And looking forward to Heaven and no more sorrow.

Even though I promised myself not to skip ahead in the 3rd of the Amish novel trilogy, I am sorry to report that Nellie Mae marries the dip wad I was completely opposed to. Well, what do you expect when these kids marry at 18? Of course, I take it Amish kids are more mature than the average American teenager, I mean, they have certainly learned the meaning of hard work from an early age, if nothing else.

On this fine note, I shall go have a Butternut cookie.


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