Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Today I was toying with the idea of suspending all current activities for a year.

But of course that is not going to happen. Or could it happen?

Everyone should have a dog. When you feel really sad a dog can make you laugh. Today I took Jazzi to mail some letters. She actually knows that when I am writing on envelopes and sticking stamps, that we are going to go to the PO soon. Then later I took her on a second ride. Oh boy, she hyperventilates and does donuts and about has a nervous breakdown. A car ride is second to none in her life. It's so hilarious that you laugh in spite of yourself.

Jazzi also has good nose and ears. If she is upstairs on the landing, she can hear me snap a banana peel, she shows up in the kitchen five seconds later, without fail. Sometimes I try to silently peel the banana, but then she just smells it and comes running. She also listens for the rattles of midnight snacks. Yep, she has her routine and really counts on it. Jazzi loves the stems of romaine lettuce, and carrots, too, the go Crunch, Crunch. She also comes running when I change to a new roll of TP, so she can play with the empty roll. Jazzi waits for us when we're gone, sleeping on the second step of the staircase. Usually, she hears the car drive up and as we walk up to the front door, there is her sweet little face peering out the center pane of the glass. What a little doll. Who could refuse such unconditional love?

That's how I feel about all pets, God's gifts to take the edge off life.

Today I went to the bookstore to buy the third and final installment in this little Amish series. Usually, I look ahead to see the end. But I won't this time, even though I'm hoping Nellie Mae (what's with Mae these days?) won't wind up marrying her drippy beau. Really, she mustn't. But I'm afraid she will. He has character flaws. Everyone has character flaws, but Nellie Mae can do better. Maybe he will improve. (Shouldn't get so worked up over a completely fictional story, but fiction mirrors real life, and I've seen enough of real life, haven't you?)

Go kiss your dog!

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