Saturday, April 17, 2010

The bridal shower was lovely today. As the adorable bride-to-be opened each gift, the lady giving the gift had to give words of wisdom about marriage. My favorite was an older lady who said with a big grin, Never cook a whole package of butter beans at one time just for the two of you. That advice, my friends, brought down the house.

Young love is so sweet. The bride CAN'T BELIEVE she gets to marry her groom. She was an effervescent fountain of unjaded energy. There is such happiness and hope and promise for this couple. It was all very life-affirming.

AND before the shower I found myself at Macy's. Not quite sure how this happened because my alarm went off at 8:00, which was a No-Go. Then it went off again at 9:00. So I got up and got ready and drove across town, fought the sale crowds, scooped up a small Fiestaware square casserole. Then I had to stand behind a lady at check-out who was having trouble with her transaction. The clerk left in mid-stream to go help a man in a red shirt, leaving us stranded. My time is ticking, Macy's. THEN the nice young man who told me everything would be on sale Friday breezed up to the other register and merrily called out, Anyone ready to check out (there are now multiple people in line behind me)? I merrily called back, I AM! I'm telling you, this young man is going places. He has old-fashioned, cheerful, service-oriented personality. Yes, he had personality. I should write a letter of commendation.

So I got to the appointed place to pick up a couple of ladies for the shower right at 10:30. This was the new me. But the main point is, I used my $10 off coupon. And Macy's was all the better for it. Oh, pooh, I forgot to use the 3 bucks left on a gift card.

After my charming little trip to Venice yesterday, I've decided that I was born to visit with my friends and not clean under the stove.

Well, that's all she wrote. Oh, thrilled to report a wonderful answer to my friend's prayer request. Thanks for praying. Still needs prayer, but so far it's pretty much a miracle.

Some lady yelled at Mystery Monkey for picking fruit off her tree. Can you beat that? That poor sour woman had better watch out or she might get rotten oranges heaved in her general direction.

Easy Breezy KEM

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