Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today my nephew was having fun in a gym, rock climbing and such. He ran and jumped off a wall and then rolled . . . and broke his collar bone. In two, completely severed. He is in a lot of pain, the bones are overlapping, and will have to have surgery.

And to think he was so happy just minutes before when getting dropped off at the gym. But the saddest thing is his dream to become a fighter pilot just went down the tubes. This is tough, it makes me feel terrible. Please, I ask for more prayers for my sister and her husband, for nephew and surgery. I pray God will help nephew see that this is not the end, even though it looks like it to a 14 year old. And this on top of last year when he was skate boarding and a car hit him. Thank you.

I am experiencing a relapse today so will bid you farewell and go curl up with Reminisce.


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