Friday, January 22, 2010

Remember how I said things come in 3's? Well, today Ethel gave me three cupcakes. Two for me and one for Mike. Wow, she found the recipe online from a cupcake place in New York City, well, she found the cake recipe from one cupcake spot and the frosting from another. Put 'em together and we are talking gorgeous delicious cupcakes, white icing on white cake. I have to say, I THOROUGHLY enjoyed those.

I should have told Eth that I was coming at 2:00-ish because I didn't get there until 1:37-ish. 1:37 would have been to the left of two-ish, making me early for a change, instead of EGGSTRA late. But, of course, we know that is never going to happen, getting there early. I think Eth already knows my number. As a peace offering I brought her just squeezed orange juice from oranges off my parents' little orange tree (note orange X 3). Not to mention I had promised her cookies from my freezer, I made them, but then they crumbled to death and I could hardly hand her a sack of crumbs. Plus, she feeds me all the time, including a sack of Chia seeds, which I'm sure I'm mentioned before because how could you not mention those? I expect any day to sprout into a Chia pig, especially after cupcake time.

Then we went shopping and I bought a noise machine. Before I have always used a fan to soothe my jagged nerves, but the current fan, which is new, likes to play scary electric games. It might turn on, but it might just as well groan in pain for a minute and then whir into action. What's wrong with it? It acts like a real person.

So, I'm going to see if listening to the ocean all night will be the ticket to waking up feeling good. I'm tired of feeling crummy my whole life. If the ocean fails, there are the waterfalls or the rain or the rain forest. I think I'll skip the human heartbeat button. But there is always summer night. Of course, I might be returning the machine in the morning.

Oh, and I bought lids to my new pans. They are glass lids with steel rims, which of course I examined all the lids to find the elusive scratch-free ones (not a good sentence). Eth also picked out a metal plate holder for my cabinet, so I can stack dishes better, now that I have FW Lemongrass salad plates, but nowhere to put them (another bad sentence). Again, we choose only the sharpest. So, we go to check out and the very nice young girl packs everything I bought into one giant sack. That's right, metal scratching on metal, a thought never given. I am bothered. So, after some time, I demurely say, Would you kindly please mind placing these metal things in each their own separate sack? (was that bad sentence # 3?, good enough). So she did. On the way to the car, I say, Wow, Eth, can you believe that girl put all that metal stuff together in one sack, where it would slide and scrape and scratch, after we worked so hard? Eth says, I was wondering when you were going to say something to the girl! I said, Eth, you did not read my blog from yesterday. It was Asian leg massage deja vu, at least in spirit.

And, speaking of 3's, I forgot to mention yesterday about my visit to the bathroom in the doctor's office. Get a load of this. No tp. No paper towels. No soap. That's pretty dern sad. I was forthright with the receptionist. The excuse for no paper towels was that patients throw them in the commode, which leads to unpleasant consequences. I guess.

CDW wrote me today that she is going to make the beef stew. She is sure now that she is highly likely to forget to pat the meat dry, like KEM, because, after all, her mind is like a sieve, easy in, easy out. I will be interested to hear if her meat hits the fire soaking wet . . . or not.

Now you see the cupcakes, now you don't,

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