Monday, December 28, 2009

Hello. Today I realized I need to cultivate the art of loving life. Somehow, I've forgotten how to chill. And I need to do this without having to WORK too hard at it, as that of course would defeat the purpose. Making things too hard, one of my natural born deficincies.

Went to Target with my sister. She is A-#1 shopper. Can you believe there wasn't a scrap of Christmas wrapping paper left? Dadgum. My sister had darling nice wrapping paper from Target, not like my sick, cheap paper, which even my niece said was pretty ugly. Okay, so next year I get to buy it full price, I'll have to buy small gifts for everyone.

Going to scrummage something up to eat (just going Hollywood with scrummage -- scrounge + rummage).

OH NO, I just remembered I have to give Jazzi a bath. The medicated shampoo has to stay on for ten whole minutes. RATS! This does not make for a cozy midnight. Now I am going to have to have hot chocolate to make up for it. My friend who has known me since birth, her Christmas present to me this year was a bag of goodies to make a cozy evening. She says my favorite word has always been cozy. And this is SO true.

Cozy Is As Cozy Does KEM

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